CXXXVI. SOAP Functions


The SOAP extension can be used to write SOAP Servers and Clients. It supports subsets of SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2 and WSDL 1.1 specifications.


This extension makes use of the GNOME xml library. Download and install this library. You will need at least libxml-2.5.4.


This extension is only available if PHP was configured with --enable-soap.


这些函数的行为受 php.ini 的影响。

表格 1. SOAP Configuration Options

soap.wsdl_cache_enabled"1"PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 5.0.0.
soap.wsdl_cache_dir"/tmp"PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 5.0.0.
soap.wsdl_cache_ttl"86400"PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 5.0.0.
有关 PHP_INI_* 常量进一步的细节与定义参见附录 G


soap.wsdl_cache_enabled boolean

Enables or disables the WSDL caching feature.

soap.wsdl_cache_dir string

Sets the directory name where the SOAP extension will put cache files.

soap.wsdl_cache_ttl int

Sets the number of seconds (time to live) that cached files will be used instead the originals.








SoapHeader is a special low-level class for passing or returning SOAP headers. It's just a data holder and it does not have any special methods except its constructor. It can be used in the SoapClient->__soapCall() method to pass a SOAP header or in a SOAP header handler to return the header in a SOAP response.



SoapParam is a special low-level class for naming parameters and returning values in non-WSDL mode. It's just a data holder and it does not have any special methods except its constructor.






SoapVar is a special low-level class for encoding parameters and returning values in non-WSDL mode. It's just a data holder and does not have any special methods except the constructor. It's useful when you want to set the type property in SOAP request or response.



以下常量由本扩展模块定义,因此只有在本扩展模块被编译到 PHP 中,或者在运行时被动态加载后才有效。

SOAP_1_1 (integer)

SOAP_1_2 (integer)




SOAP_ENCODED (integer)

SOAP_LITERAL (integer)

SOAP_RPC (integer)








UNKNOWN_TYPE (integer)

XSD_STRING (integer)

XSD_BOOLEAN (integer)

XSD_DECIMAL (integer)

XSD_FLOAT (integer)

XSD_DOUBLE (integer)

XSD_DURATION (integer)

XSD_DATETIME (integer)

XSD_TIME (integer)

XSD_DATE (integer)


XSD_GYEAR (integer)


XSD_GDAY (integer)

XSD_GMONTH (integer)


XSD_BASE64BINARY (integer)

XSD_ANYURI (integer)

XSD_QNAME (integer)

XSD_NOTATION (integer)


XSD_TOKEN (integer)

XSD_LANGUAGE (integer)

XSD_NMTOKEN (integer)

XSD_NAME (integer)

XSD_NCNAME (integer)

XSD_ID (integer)

XSD_IDREF (integer)

XSD_IDREFS (integer)

XSD_ENTITY (integer)

XSD_ENTITIES (integer)

XSD_INTEGER (integer)



XSD_LONG (integer)

XSD_INT (integer)

XSD_SHORT (integer)

XSD_BYTE (integer)







XSD_NMTOKENS (integer)

XSD_ANYTYPE (integer)


SOAP_ENC_ARRAY (integer)

XSD_1999_TIMEINSTANT (integer)


XSD_1999_NAMESPACE (string)

is_soap_fault --  Checks if SOAP call was failed
SoapClient->__call() --  Calls a SOAP function (deprecated)
SoapClient->__construct() --  SoapClient constructor
SoapClient->__doRequest() --  Performs a SOAP request
SoapClient->__getFunctions() --  Returns list of SOAP functions
SoapClient->__getLastRequest() --  Returns last SOAP request
SoapClient->__getLastRequestHeaders() --  Returns last SOAP request headers
SoapClient->__getLastResponse() --  Returns last SOAP response.
SoapClient->__getLastResponseHeaders() --  Returns last SOAP response headers.
SoapClient->__getTypes() --  Returns list of SOAP types
SoapClient->__setCookie() --  Sets the cookie that will be sent with the SOAP request
SoapClient->__soapCall() --  Calls a SOAP function
SoapFault->__construct() --  SoapFault constructor
SoapHeader->__construct() --  SoapHeader constructor
SoapParam->__construct() --  SoapParam constructor
SoapServer->addFunction() --  Adds one or several functions those will handle SOAP requests
SoapServer->__construct() --  SoapServer constructor
SoapServer->fault() -- Issue SoapServer fault indicating an error
SoapServer->getFunctions() --  Returns list of defined functions
SoapServer->handle() --  Handles a SOAP request
SoapServer->setClass() --  Sets class which will handle SOAP requests
SoapServer->setPersistence() --  Sets persistence mode of SoapServer
SoapVar->__construct() --  SoapVar constructor
use_soap_error_handler -- Set whether to use the SOAP error handler and return the former value

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
25-Aug-2006 09:20
If you want to build a Soap Server for Microsoft Office's client (like Microsoft Office Research Service) you need to rewrite SOAP's namespaces :

// (...)

$server = new SoapServer($wsdl, array('uri' => $uri, 'classmap' => $classmap));
$s = array('<ns1:RegistrationResponse>', 'ns1:', 'xmlns:ns1="urn:Microsoft.Search"');
$r = array('<RegistrationResponse xmlns="urn:Microsoft.Search">', '', '');
   return (
str_replace($s, $r, $buffer));

// (...)

There are a complete example at this URL :
info at webability dot info
23-Aug-2006 03:30
If you want to use soap over https, you *must* compile php with the configure option with-openssl or you will have the error "[HTTP] SSL support not available in this build" while trying to use the web services over SSL
mini at freebsd dot org
09-Jul-2006 07:54
wokan at cox dot net is incorrect about the security of URI-passed values to HTTPS URIs.  HTTPS connections are HTTP inside SSL -- all of the HTTP traffic, including the request, are encrypted.
lists at 5etdemi dot com
14-Mar-2006 10:26
To enable SoapClient on Windows, simply add a line:


in php.ini in the extensions section.
02-Mar-2006 03:27
Wondering why the function you just added to your WSDL file is not available to your SOAP client? Turn off WSDL caching, which (as the documentation says) is on by default.

At the top of your script, use:

$ini = ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled","0");
Matthew Glubb
21-Jan-2006 12:05
For anyone wondering why they are getting a "DTD are not supported by SOAP" fault string. It is because you are probably being returned an HTML page due to an internal server error, 404, etc.

Refer to the documentation for SoapClient->__getLastResponse in order to see what returned by the server.
ckl at ecw dot de
17-Jan-2006 03:54
To debug a SOAP service using SoapServer(), a WSDL file and Zend Studio Client/Server, you have to append ?start_debug=1&amp;debug_port=10000 to the service location:
--- snip ---
... method / service definition ....

<service name="SOAPService">
--- snap ---
Rui Martins
19-Dec-2005 12:33
Here's an example on how to pass ArrayOfAnyType arguments
containing complex types.

Suppose your WSDL file defines "" as the default namespace and a complex type "SomeComplexType".

If you want to call a WebServices which takes an ArrayOfAnyType argument of "SomeComplexType"s you need to perform the following:

// complexTypes being an array containing several instances of SomeComplexType

myWSParameter = array();
foreach (
complexTypes as ct)
// Don't misspell the type or the namespace. Also note that php won't assume the default namespace defined in the WSDL file.
myWSParameter []= new SoapVar(ct, 0, "SomeComplexType", "");

On the other hand, when a WebService returns an ArrayOfAnyType you have to do the following to access each of its elements.

// Here, we will be echoing each return item
$res = $someWS->myFunction($myArgs)

// If only one element is returned, an array won't be built
if (is_array(myFunctionResult->anyType))
   foreach (
myFunctionResult->anyType as $soapVar)

This has all been tested using a .NET WebService.
24-Oct-2005 02:03
Heads up for anyone using PHP Soap + Sessions + PEAR DB classes.

Every time you make a call, via the soap client to your web service, your PEAR DB session is put to sleep and it doesnt by default wake upon the next request.

To fix this I simply called my particular database close call ifx_close() below my $soap->handle();
12-Oct-2005 04:17
If you are scratching your head why NuSOAP not working on PHP 5.x , the reason is this built-in SOAP Extenstion uses same soapclient() class name as Nusoap.

replace 'soapclient' with 'soapclient_xxx'  in nusoap.php and you are good to go...
30-Sep-2005 12:32
Those having to work with Paypal's api and using PHP5 SOAP:
johnjawed at gmail dot com
23-Sep-2005 12:29
For those wondering on how to set attributes on nodes with PHP5 SOAP, it would be done as such:

<... soap env/header>
<foo bar="blah">12345</foo>

array("foo" => array("_" => 12345, "bar" => "blah"));
21-Jul-2005 02:46
Having trouble passing complex types over SOAP using a PHP SoapServer in WSDL mode?  Not getting decoded properly?  This may be the solution you're looking for!

When using ComplexType in the schema portion of the WSDL file, You need use an additional step to tell PHP SOAP how to encode the objects.  The first method would be to explicitely encapsulate the object in a SoapVar object - telling PHP to use generalized SOAP encoding rules (which encodes all ComplexTypes as Structs).  This won't work, though, if the client is expecting the objects to be encoded according to the WSDL's schema.  So, The actual way to do this is:

* First, define a specific PHP class which is actually just a data structure holding the various properties, and the appropriate  ComplexType in the WSDL.

class MyComplexDataType {
public $myProperty1;
public $myProperty2;
<complexType name="MyWSDLStructure">
   <element name="MyProperty1" type="xsd:integer"/>
   <element name="MyProperty2" type="xsd:string"/>

* Next, Tell the SoapServer when you initialize it to map these two structures together.

= array('MyWSDLStructure' => 'MyComplexDataType');
$server = new SoapServer("http://MyServer/MyService.wsdl", array('classmap' => $classmap))

* Finally, have your method return an instance of your class directly, and let the SoapServer take care of encoding!

function MySoapCall() {
$o = new MyComplexDataType();
$o->myProperty1 = 1;
$o->myProperty2 = "MyString";
Jim Plush
13-Jul-2005 07:45
If you're trying to use the SOAP Extension over SSL with a custom PEM file you need to do this:

$client->_local_cert = "C:\\path\myCert.pem";
18-May-2005 03:52
One good tutorial on using this extension is on IBM web site:
"Using the PHP 5 SOAP extension to consume a WebSphere Web service" /developerworks/library/os-phpws/?ca=dgr-lnxw06PHP5soap
flobee at gmail dot com
12-May-2005 04:25
wow, actually a cool program and soap is new for me.
I found out some interessting things i can not debug because the scripts exit without any error messages or notes. :-(

you may have problems with the memory and/or especially on "shared servers" when server load is high.
sometimes the script does the job, sometimes it just stopping at any unknown point.
these are the steps my script does:
* get data from remote server ( ~ 4.5 MB)
* parsing requested object and store the data in a database.

the return with debug messages was intressting:
-> check Mem limit: 30M
-> $client = new new SoapClient($url_wsdl, $options);
-> Memory usage: 185888
-> $client->[requested_method_to_get_data]();
-> check: __getLastResponseHeaders() - after:
-> HTTP/1.1 200 OK // remote server is fine with me :-)
-> Content-Length: 4586742  // I got the data
-> check: Memory usage now: 23098872 // ups !!! this can't be true!!

so, and if now someone on the server takes the rest of RAM  the walk thought the data breaks :-(

so, i need to store the xml tree ($client->client->__last_response) and parsing it by the classical way. (if you would request more RAM, you may get in trouble with the admin if you run a script like this more often! (on shared servers)
18-Apr-2005 11:12
If you're having problems calling a .NET web service, see the comments over on (the __soapCall method).
kucerar at hhmi dot org
26-Mar-2005 04:04
Here are 73 test cases that detail the kinds of schemas that PHP5 currently supports and the structures you are expected to plug into them for the return value from your services.  Much better than trying to guess!

You can cycle through the listings by changing the main index in the URL below,  rather than go in and out of the pages

I downloaded the whole thing with this,  CVS might work too.

With them all downloaded I just browse them with Textpad.
Norman Clarke <norman at dontblink dot com>
22-Feb-2005 08:29
Note that if you should need to set the timeout for your soap request,  you can use ini_set to change the value for the default_socket_timeout. I previously used NuSOAP, whose soap client class has a timeout option, and it took me a while to figure out that PHP's soap uses the same socket options as everything else.
wokan at cox dot net
06-Feb-2005 09:06
It's not good security practice to pass the username and password in the URI when the point of SSL is to prevent that information from being intercepted.  Putting that information in the URI makes it interceptable.  HTTPS-Posted values are safe because values passed in the headers are sent after the SSL handshake has been completed.
martin AT kouba DOT at
26-Jan-2005 01:11
this is something i wrote to access a webservice with php4
03-Dec-2004 11:06
here i found a good collection of tutorials all around soap/web services and/or rss:
mikx at mikx dot de
30-Mar-2004 12:12
It took me a while to properly establish a password protected client connection via https on windows/apache1.3. Here my little guide:

1. The SOAP extension isn't activated by default (PHP5 RC1). Just add "extension=php_soap.dll" to the php.ini and don't forget to set the extension_dir properly (in most cases "c:\php\ext").

2. Add "extension=php_openssl.dll" to the php.ini. This module depends on libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll - copy them from your php folder to your system32 folder.

3. Restart apache

4. The sourcecode

$client = new SoapClient("", array(
   "login"      => "yourLogin",
   "password"  => "yourPassword",
   "trace"      => 1,
   "exceptions" => 0));


print "<pre>\n";
print "Request: \n".htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) ."\n";
print "Response: \n".htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse())."\n";
print "</pre>";

Currently it seems to be necessary to add your login and password both in the uri and in the options array. Not sure if this is the expected behavior.