
(no version information, might be only in CVS)

SoapVar->__construct() --  SoapVar constructor


class SoapVar {

__construct ( mixed data, int encoding [, string type_name [, string type_namespace [, string node_name [, string node_namespace]]]] )


Constructs a new SoapVar object.



The data to pass or return.


The encoding ID, one of the XSD_... constants.


The type name.


The type namespace.


The XML node name.


The XML node namespace.


例子 1. Some examples

class SOAPStruct {
SOAPStruct($s, $i, $f)
$this->varString = $s;
$this->varInt = $i;
$this->varFloat = $f;
$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",
'uri'      => "http://test-uri/"));
$struct = new SOAPStruct('arg', 34, 325.325);
$soapstruct = new SoapVar($struct, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "SOAPStruct", "");
$client->echoStruct(new SoapParam($soapstruct, "inputStruct"));

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11-Jul-2005 10:30
This class is useful when dealing with the "anyType" type (generic object reference): it lets you specify the xsd type to provide "late binding" type information.

Here's a really simple example: I have a .NET service that can take a string, a date, and integer, or other types, so I use the .NET "object" type. Here's an example of such a service--this one just tells me what type I passed in. (It's nice to use when checking to see if PHP passed in the type information the way .NET expects it.)

//inside a service.asmx.cs file...
public string WhatTypeIsThis(object ObjectParameter)
   return "You passed in a " + ObjectParameter.GetType().Name
     + ": " + ObjectParamter.ToString();

To call this service with a string from PHP, I used this code:
//set up the service client using WSDL
$client = new SoapClient("http://localhost/folder/service.asmx?WSDL");

//This is the variable that will be typed as an XSD string
$typedVar = new SoapVar("mystring", XSD_STRING, "string", "");
//This is the wrapper object for incoming parameters
$wrapper->ObjectParameter = $typedVar;
//This is the named parameter object that will be passed in to the service
$params = new SoapParam($wrapper, "WhatTypeIsThis");

//call the service with the string
$result = $client->WhatTypeIsThis($params);
//show the result
echo $result->WhatTypeIsThisResult;

The output from this should be:
"You passed in a String: mystring"

The SOAP message that is passed in looks like this:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ns1="">
           <ns1:ObjectParameter xsi:type="xsd:string">mystring</ns1:ObjectParameter>

It's that xsi:type="xsd:string" that gives .NET the heads up that though the ObjectParameter is being passed in as an object, it is also a string.

When trying other types, it's helpful to see exactly what is being sent to the service--to see the SOAP messages like the one above, use the trace option when making your SOAP client and then call the $client->__getLastRequest() function. (See  You may need to use try/catch constructs if you're generating errors.

Another helpful function is var_dump($client->__getTypes())--it shows how PHP parsed the WSDL file to create types to pass back and forth.