章 30. 用户提交的数据

很多 PHP 程序所存在的重大弱点并不是 PHP 语言本身的问题,而是编程者的安全意识不高而导致的。因此,必须时时注意每一段代码可能存在的问题,去发现非正确数据提交时可能造成的影响。

例子 30-1. 危险的变量用法

// 从用户目录中删除一个文件,或者……能删除更多的东西?
unlink ($evil_var);

// 记录用户的登陆,或者……能否在 /etc/passwd 添加数据?
fwrite ($fp, $evil_var);

// 执行一些普通的命令,或者……可以执行 rm -rf * ?
system ($evil_var);
exec ($evil_var);


  • 此脚本是否只能影响所预期的文件?

  • 非正常的数据被提交后能否产生作用?

  • 此脚本能用于计划外的用途吗?

  • 此脚本能否和其它脚本结合起来做坏事?

  • 是否所有的事务都被充分记录了?


还可以考虑关闭 register_globals,magic_quotes 或者其它使编程更方便但会使某个变量的合法性,来源和其值被搞乱的设置。在开发时,可以使用 error_reporting(E_ALL) 模式帮助检查变量使用前是否有被检查或被初始化,这样就可以防止某些非正常的数据的挠乱了。

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Uli Kusterer
13-Sep-2005 06:50
One thing I would repeat in the docs here is what information actually comes from the user. Many people think a Cookie, since it's written by PHP, was safe. But the fact is that it's stored on the user's computer, transferred by the user's browser, and thus very easy to manipulate.

So, it'd be handy to mention here again that:

CGI parameters in the URL, HTTP POST data and cookie variables are considered "user data" and thus need to be validated. Session data and SQL database contents only need to be validated if they came from untrustworthy sources (like the ones just mentioned).

Not new, but I would have expected this info under this headline, at least as a short recap plus linlk to the actual docs.