Scope Resolution Operator (::)

The Scope Resolution Operator (also called Paamayim Nekudotayim) or in simpler terms, the double colon, is a token that allows access to static, constant, and overridden members or methods of a class.

When referencing these items from outside the class definition, use the name of the class.

Paamayim Nekudotayim would, at first, seem like a strange choice for naming a double-colon. However, while writing the Zend Engine 0.5 (which powers PHP 3), that's what the Zend team decided to call it. It actually does mean double-colon - in Hebrew!

例子 19-10. :: from outside the class definition

class MyClass {
CONST_VALUE = 'A constant value';


Two special keywords self and parent are used to access members or methods from inside the class definition.

例子 19-11. :: from inside the class definition

class OtherClass extends MyClass
public static $my_static = 'static var';

public static function doubleColon() {
parent::CONST_VALUE . "\n";
self::$my_static . "\n";


When an extending class overrides the parents definition of a method, PHP will not call the parent's method. It's up to the extended class on whether or not the parent's method is called. This also applies to Constructors and Destructors, Overloading, and Magic method definitions.

例子 19-12. Calling a parent's method

class MyClass
protected function myFunc() {

OtherClass extends MyClass
// Override parent's definition
public function myFunc()
// But still call the parent function

$class = new OtherClass();

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
dexen at google dot me dot up
22-Sep-2006 10:40
``self'' and ``parent'' are valid arguments to the ``new'' operator. All the constructor stuff works as expected. Example:

class Foo {}
Bar extends Foo {

   static function
test() {
parent( 'a', 1 ),
           )    );
print_r( Bar::test() ); ?>

Calling Bar::test() gives you nice list of three instances. ( i'm describing it there, as it was a suprise to me. ) Maybe you can find it usefull, for example, in some generic ::__clone() method that works across inheritance tree.
developit at mail dot ru
27-Jan-2006 07:57
You use 'self' to access this class, 'parent' - to access parent class, and what will you do to access a parent of the parent? Or to access the very root class of deep class hierarchy? The answer is to use classnames. That'll work just like 'parent'. Here's an example to explain what I mean. Following code

class A
protected $x = 'A';
public function f()

B extends A
protected $x = 'B';
public function f()

C extends B
protected $x = 'C';
public function f()

$a = new A();
$b = new B();
$c = new C();


will output

[A] -- {B} -- (C){C}{C}[C]
Kristof Coomans
25-Nov-2005 07:08
In response to ian at [first name]henderson dot org:

(related bogus bug report:

The functionality you've expected maybe will be possible in PHP6, probably by using the static keyword in conjunction with the scope resolution parameter. You can read more about this in the minutes of the PHP developers meeting at 11 and 12 november in Paris: point 5.4: Late static binding using "this" without "$" (or perhaps with a different name)
zeldorblat at gmail dot com
08-Sep-2005 12:47
The alternative to john at johnjosephbachir dot org's suggestion without using eval():

call_user_func(array($classname, 'a_static_function'));
john at johnjosephbachir dot org
31-Aug-2005 06:23
A way to achieve Doug's last example

//this doesn't work

is to use eval():

//this works
$string = $classname.'::a_static_function();';

Remember to include a semicolon inside the string passed to eval().
doug at douglassdavis dot com
29-Aug-2005 10:52
Just a note that while this works for new objects:


= new $classname();


and this works to call a function:




this does not work to call static functions, you will get a parse error:



29-Apr-2005 08:58
In response to ian at [first name]henderson dot org:

You are not allowed to redefine static methods, see

And in response to thenewparadigm at hotmail dot com: the behaviour you describe seems appropriate for *classes* with static variables, see "Using static variables" on
thenewparadigm at hotmail dot com
06-Mar-2005 01:43
There is also a quirk with using the scope resolution operator on static class variables.  Below is an example using a highly modified version of Ian's code:


class ExampleSuperclass

   static function
showClassName() {
self::$className . "\n";

ExampleSubclassOne extends ExampleSuperclass
   static function
self::$className = "subclassOne";

ExampleSubclassTwo extends ExampleSuperClass
   static function
self::$className = "subclassTwo";

// setting variables for each class

ExampleSubclassOne::showClassName();  // output is "subclassTwo"!

// more output:

echo ExampleSubclassOne::$className . "\n"; // output is "subclassTwo"!
echo ExampleSubclassTwo::$className . "\n"; // output is "subclassTwo"
echo ExampleSuperclass::$className . "\n"; // output is "subclassTwo"!


appearantly, any static variables defined in a superclass are directly referenced in subclasses,
and all changes are visible throughout the class heirarchy.  care must be taken when using static
class variables.
ian at [first name]henderson dot org
01-Feb-2005 02:43
Please note that methods called by the scope resolution operator which are defined by a superclass of the first operand are called in the scope of the SUPERCLASS.  For example,


class ExampleSuperclass
   static function

   static function
"doing something with " . self::classType();

ExampleClass extends ExampleSuperclass
   static function

// output is "doing something with superclass"!


This can be surprising (it surprised me!) when coming from other object-oriented languages, which would output "doing something with subclass" in this case.
a dot naumovic at e-motion dot co dot yu
19-Oct-2004 06:42
One additional note about Pa'ama'im Nekudota'im: a suffix ayim is for dual, so the Hebrew language has singular, plural and dual. It's a perfect way to express existence of two  entities of something.
seec77 at zahav dot net dot il
14-Oct-2004 06:01
Just a little fun note about the term "Pa'ama'im Nekudota'im". As a person who originated, and still lives in Israel (land of the Hebrew language), I wanted to explain to everyone what "Pa'ama'im Nekudota'im" means.

"Nekudota'im", is the Hebrew term for a colon.
"Nekudota'im" is a combination of two words... "Neukda", which means "dot"... and "Shta'im" (female form of "Shna'im"), which means "two". Thus, "Nekudota'im" means two dots, and that's why in Hebrew it is used for the colon sign.

"Pa'ama'im", is also a combination of two words. "Pa'am", which means "a time", and again, the postfix originating from "Shtai'm". So "Pa'ama'im" means "two times", or "twice".

We can conclude this, by saying that the expression "Pa'ama'im Nekudota'im" means two times a pair of dots, or a pair of colons, which makes the expression totally legable for calling such an operator.