
(PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5)

unset -- 释放给定的变量


void unset ( mixed var [, mixed var [, ...]] )

unset() 销毁指定的变量。注意在 PHP 3 中,unset() 将返回 TRUE(实际上是整型值 1),而在 PHP 4 中,unset() 不再是一个真正的函数:它现在是一个语句。这样就没有了返回值,试图获取 unset() 的返回值将导致解析错误。

例子 1. unset() 示例

// 销毁单个变量
unset ($foo);

// 销毁单个数组元素
unset ($bar['quux']);

// 销毁一个以上的变量
unset ($foo1, $foo2, $foo3);

unset() 在函数中的行为会依赖于想要销毁的变量的类型而有所不同。

如果在函数中 unset() 一个全局变量,则只是局部变量被销毁,而在调用环境中的变量将保持调用 unset() 之前一样的值。

function destroy_foo() {

$foo = 'bar';



如果在函数中 unset() 一个通过引用传递的变量,则只是局部变量被销毁,而在调用环境中的变量将保持调用 unset() 之前一样的值。

function foo(&$bar) {
$bar = "blah";

$bar = 'something';




如果在函数中 unset() 一个静态变量,则 unset() 将销毁此变量及其所有的引用。

function foo() {




如果您想在函数中 unset() 一个全局变量,可使用 $GLOBALS 数组来实现:

function foo() {

$bar = "something";

注: 由于这是一个语言结构而非函数,因此它无法被变量函数调用。

参见 isset()empty()

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
leon dot pegg at gmail dot com
12-Sep-2006 03:53
in responce to judas dot iscariote at gmail dot com
 you can self destruct an object like so
class test{
   public function delete(self &$object){
   $object = null;


this alows you to do

$test = new test();
judas dot iscariote at gmail dot com
02-May-2006 04:14
in response to seka04 at student dot bth dot se comment..

you cannot unset $this because "this" is a reserved word.
destroying an object internally,being in the current scope of execution doesn't make any sense.
dibakar dot datta at gmail dot com
01-Apr-2006 03:31
Instead of using the unset function  for unregistering your session or other array values you can also do this samll feature and get this task done with just 1 line code.

Suppose, if you like to unregister your session store values.
You can use:
     $_SESSION = array();

Well this syntax saves lot's of time instead of unsetting each values.
hugo dot dworak at gmail dot com
26-Dec-2005 10:23
If one tries to unset a typical variable that does not exist, no errors, warning or noticies will occur. However, if one tries to unset a non-existent array or an array with non-existent key, this will result in a notice. For instance:

= true;
$array = array ();
  unset (
$true, $undefinedVariable, $array [$undefinedKey], $undefinedArray [$undefinedKey]);

The output is (PHP 5.0.5):

Notice: Undefined variable: undefinedKey
Notice: Undefined variable: undefinedKey
Notice: Undefined variable: undefinedArray
clark at everettsconsulting dot com
12-Sep-2005 03:50
In PHP 5.0.4, at least, one CAN unset array elements inside functions from arrays passed by reference to the function.
As implied by the manual, however, one can't unset the entire array by passing it by reference.

function remove_variable (&$variable// pass variable by reference

remove_element (&$array, $key) // pass array by reference

$scalar = 'Hello, there';
'Value of $scalar is: ';
print_r ($scalar); echo '<br />';
// Value of $scalar is: Hello, there

remove_variable($scalar); // try to unset the variable
echo 'Value of $scalar is: ';
print_r ($scalar); echo '<br />';
// Value of $scalar is: Hello, there

$array = array('one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3);
'Value of $array is: ';
print_r ($array); echo '<br />';
// Value of $array is: Array ( [one] => 1 [two] => 2 [three] => 3 )

remove_variable($array); // try to unset the array
echo 'Value of $array is: ';
print_r ($array); echo '<br />';
// Value of $array is: Array ( [one] => 1 [two] => 2 [three] => 3 )

remove_element($array, 'two'); // successfully remove an element from the array
echo 'Value of $array is: ';
print_r ($array); echo '<br />';
// Value of $array is: Array ( [one] => 1 [three] => 3 )

no at spam dot com
31-Aug-2005 06:22
In addition to what timo dot hummel at 4fb dot de said;

>For the curious: unset also frees memory of the variable used.
>It might be possible that the in-memory size of the PHP Interpreter isn't reduced, but your scripts won't touch the memory_limit boundary. Memory is reused if you declare new variables.

It might be worth adding that functions apparently don't free up memory on exit the same way unset does..
Maybe this is common knowledge, but although functions destroys variables on exit, it (apparently) doesn't help the memory.

So if you use huge variables inside functions, be sure to unset them if you can before returning from the function.

In my case, if I did not unset before return, then the script would use 20 MB more of memory than if I did unset.
This was tested with php 5.0.4 on apache 2 on windows xp, with no memory limit.

Before I did the test, I was under the impression that when you exit from functions, the memory used inside it would be cleared and reused. Maybe this should be made clear in the manual, for either unset() or in the chapter for functions.
tom at diacope dot com
05-Aug-2005 06:51
when working with $_SESSION or any other array like that and you want to delete part of the session array it's always worked for me to do:

$_SESSION['data'] = NULL;
muhamad_zakaria at yahoo dot com
05-Jul-2005 10:08
We have experienced when we applied 'unset' to the overloaded properties (PHP5), consider the code below:
class TheObj {
public $RealVar1, $RealVar2, $RealVar3, $RealVar4;
public $Var = array();

__set($var, $val) {
$this->Var[$var] = $val;
__get($var) {
$this->Var[$var])) return $this->Var[$var];
           else return -

$SomeObj = new TheObj;

// here we set for real variables
$SomeObj->RealVar1 = 'somevalue';
$SomeObj->{'RealVar2'} = 'othervalue';
$SomeObj->{'RealVar'.(3)} = 'othervaluetoo';
$SomeObj->{'RealVar'.'4'} = 'anothervalue';

// and here we set for virtual variables
$SomeObj->Virtual1 = 'somevalue';
$SomeObj->{'Virtual2'} = 'othervalue';
$SomeObj->{'Virtual'.(3)} = 'othervaluetoo';
$SomeObj->{'Virtual'.'4'} = 'anothervalue';

// now we will try to unset these variables

//the lines below will catch by '__get' magic method since these variables are unavailable anymore
print $SomeObj->RealVar1."\n";

// now we will try to unset these variables

//but, these variables are still available??? eventhough they're "unset"-ed
print $SomeObj->Virtual1."\n";

Please note that PHP doesn't have magic callback to unset overloaded properties. This is the reason why unset($SomeObj->Virtual1) doesn't work.

But it does work when we set 'null' value such as the following code:
// now we will set 'null' value instead of using unset statement
$SomeObj->Virtual1 = null;
$SomeObj->{'Virtual'.(3)} = null;

// and now these variables are no longer available
print $SomeObj->Virtual1."\n";
Sound ugly, yeah?

This applied to the "virtual" array variable too, see more at http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=33513 (at feedback) about it.
PS: we used PHP version 5.1.0-dev from the CVS snapshot when we wrote the above codes.
seka04 at student dot bth dot se
03-Jul-2005 04:39
As of PHP 5 unset doesn't seem to work as a means to make an object self destruct, consider the following code:

class A
     function Delete()

In PHP 4 this way worked perfectly, in PHP 5 I haven't found any way to get the above code to work. The use for this is in for example a XML tree structure, I have a XML class which interface I used like this before:

$n = &$XMLObeject->doc->FindNodeById( $someID );

Very convinient for deleting nodes in the tree, doesn't work anymore though. unset($n) doesn't even work, I think it has to do with the fact that the nodes parent keeps 2 references to this data and that PHP 5 somehow changed how that works. Using $n = NULL do work, even if I think it's very ugly compared to the other 2 sollutions.
smyle at mailbox dot hu
26-May-2005 02:21
This work for me only _SESSION in quotes:
franckraynal at free dot fr
26-Feb-2005 09:02
Here is another way to make 'unset' work with session variables from within a function :

function unsetSessionVariable ($sessionVariableName) {

May it work with others than me...
bedbin at gmail dot com
02-Feb-2005 10:33
usefull tip:
if you have session variables like these.
echo "<pre>";
$_SESSION["num"] = array(1,2,3,4);

gives out:

array(1) {
  array(4) {

if you use empty instead unset you get same output as first var_dump($_SESSION) gives.
I hope help sb.
06-Jan-2005 12:41
I saw this mentioned somewhere else but if you do

$var = NULL

then I've noticed less memory usuage than with unset(). In fact, unset didn't do anything.

This might be useful if you're doing a php-gtk app, thats starting to consume significant memory over a long period of time. This was the code I used to test

// Check memory before here

for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++)
  $dialog = &new GtkDialog();

  $dialog = NULL;

// Check memory after here

Doing a difference between after and before results in:

Using destroy() and unset() ->  ~31kb
Using $dialog = NULL -> ~13 kb

The expected memory usuage should be 0kb or around there.
harycary at netscape dot net
15-Dec-2004 01:56
If you ever have to unset all the variables of a class from within a funciton of that class use the following code:


class User

User_login ( ... )

User_logout ( $greeting )
         foreach (
array_keys ( get_object_vars ( &$this ) ) as $val)
         {    unset(
$this->$val );    }
$this->greeting = $greeting;



If anyone knows of a more effective way please post a reply.
mv at brasil dot com
09-Nov-2004 12:04
If you want to remove one element of Query String use this function, than place the returned values in <a href="script.php?'. remove_query("arg1") .'">

   function remove_query($key) {
       $arrquery = explode("&", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
       foreach ($arrquery as $query_value) {
           $valor = substr($query_value, strpos($query_value, "=") + 1);
           $chave = substr($query_value, 0, strpos($query_value, "="));
           $querystring[$chave] = $valor;
       foreach ($querystring as $query_key => $query_value) {
           $query[] = "{$query_key}={$query_value}";
       $query = implode("&", $query);

       return $query;
dan AT --nospam-- cubeland DOT co DOT uk
05-Nov-2004 03:38
dh at argosign dot de -
it is possible to unset globals from within functions thanks to the $GLOBALS array:

= 10;

test() {
// don't need to do ' global $x; '
unset ($GLOBALS['x']);
'x: ' . $GLOBALS['x'] . '<br />';

"x: $x<br />";

// will result in
timo dot hummel at 4fb dot de
07-Sep-2004 09:24
For the curious: unset also frees memory of the variable used.

It might be possible that the in-memory size of the PHP Interpreter isn't reduced, but your scripts won't touch the memory_limit boundary. Memory is reused if you declare new variables.
thorry at thorry dot net
05-Aug-2004 05:15
The documentation is not entirely clear when it comes to static variables. It says:

If a static variable is unset() inside of a function, unset() destroys the variable and all its references.

function foo()


The above example would output:


And it does! But the variable is NOT deleted, that's why the value keeps on increasing, otherwise the output would be:


The references are destroyed within the function, this handeling is the same as with global variables, the difference is a static variable is a local variable.

Be carefull using unset and static values as the output may not be what you expect it to be. It appears to be impossible to destroy a static variable. You can only destroy the references within the current executing function, a successive static statement will restore the references.

The documentation would be better if it would say:
"If a static variable is unset() inside of a function, unset() destroys all references to the variable. "

Example: (tested PHP 4.3.7)
function foo()


Would output:




anon at no spam dot no address dot com
17-Jul-2004 12:19
Adding on to what bond at noellebond dot com said, if you want to remove an index from the end of the array, if you use unset, the next index value will still be what it would have been.

Eg you have
= array(1, 2);

 for (
$i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
$x[(count($x)-1)]); //remove last set key in the array

$x[] = $i;

You would expect:
Array([0] => 1, [1] => 4)
as you want it to remove the last set key....

but you actually get
Array ( [0] => 1 [4] => 2 [5] => 3 [6] => 4 )

This is since even though the last key is removed, the auto indexing still keeps its previous value.

The only time where this would not seem right is when you remove a value off the end. I guess different people would want it different ways.

The way around this is to use array_pop() instead of unset() as array_pop() refreshes the autoindexing thing for the array.
= array(1, 2);

 for (
$i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
array_pop($x); // removes the last item in the array

$x[] = $i;

 This returns the expected value of x = Array([0] => 1, [1] => 4);

Hope this helps someone who may need this for some odd reason, I did.
bond at noellebond dot com
27-May-2004 05:34
Note that though global arrays will not be altered by a function, an array in an object WILL be altered if referenced within one of its methods.  For example:

  function remove_index ($i)
   $temp_array = array_values($this->test_array);
   $this->test_array = $temp_array;

Will remove key $i from the object's array and reindex it.
andre at twg dot com dot au
07-Mar-2004 01:16
Only This works with register_globals being 'ON'.

unset( $_SESSION['variable'] );

The above will not work with register_globals turned on (will only work outside of a function).

$variable = $_SESSION['variable'];
unset( $_SESSION['variable'], $variable );

The above will work with register_globals on & inside a function
warhog at warhog dot net
28-Jan-2004 12:52
you may wan't to unset all variables which are defined, here's one way:


function unset_all_vars($a)
{ foreach(
$a as $key => $val)
  { unset(
$GLOBALS[$key]); }
serialize($a); }



you can also save than a serialized var of the "memory" and perhaps store this in a temporary file.. very usefull if you work with text files and/or file uploads when you've got very large variables.

kdechant at midwestarts dot com
23-Nov-2003 07:47
As of PHP version 4.3.3, unset() results in a parse error if it is used with the @ error suppression operator.

For example:

@unset($var); // parse error
unset(@$var); // parse error
unset($var); // okay
frank at agentbrand dot com
10-Nov-2003 01:59
Use array_values() after unset() to reindex your array.
 Note that unset() removes the index as a key, you will need to reindex your array again to get expected behavior
vmizuba at queens dot org
28-Oct-2003 11:25
for what it's worth...

in php 4.1, using unset to destroy a session variable, i.e. unset($_SESSION['variable']); destroys it by erasing variable information but leaves behind the variable name appended with a '!' in front of the name in the session file... leaving the session file larger and x bytes wasted depending on the variable name length