
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

token_get_all -- Split given source into PHP tokens


array token_get_all ( string source )

token_get_all() parses the given source string into PHP language tokens using the Zend engine's lexical scanner.

For a list of parser tokens, see 附录 P, or use token_name() to translate a token value into its string representation.



The PHP source to parse.


An array of token identifiers. Each individual token identifier is either a single character (i.e.: ;, ., >, !, etc...), or a two element array containing the token index in element 0, and the string content of the original token in element 1.


例子 1. token_get_all() examples

= token_get_all('<?php echo; ?>'); /* => array(
                                                  array(T_OPEN_TAG, '<?php'),
                                                  array(T_ECHO, 'echo'),
                                                  array(T_CLOSE_TAG, '?>') ); */

/* Note in the following example that the string is parsed as T_INLINE_HTML
   rather than the otherwise expected T_COMMENT (T_ML_COMMENT in PHP <5).
   This is because no open/close tags were used in the "code" provided.
   This would be equivalent to putting a comment outside of <?php ?> tags in a normal file. */
$tokens = token_get_all('/* comment */'); // => array(array(T_INLINE_HTML, '/* comment */'));

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
phpcomments at majiclab dot com
02-Aug-2005 01:08
Regarding bertrand at toggg dot com's comment:  there is another case of the { } curly braces being used in PHP, but the token_get_all() function treats it just like a code block: string index.  Example:

= "Hello";
if (
$text{ 0 } == 'H') {
"This example uses { for both a PHP block and a string index.";

Just in case some people were wondering.  Since PHP treats them as the same token, it makes some things a little more interesting for parsing.  You can't just assume that { ... } is a code block, it could just be a number referring to an index of a string.
bertrand at toggg dot com
08-Mar-2005 02:41
If you want to retrieve the PHP blocks then you will count up the opening curly braces '{' and down the closing ones '}' (counter zero means block finished)
CAUTION: the opening curly braces token can take 3 values:
1) '{' for all PHP code blocks,
2) T_CURLY_OPEN for "protected" variables within strings as "{$var}"
3) T_DOLLAR_OPEN_CURLY_BRACES for extended format "${var}"

On the other hand, closing token is allways '}' !

So counting up must take place on the 3 tokens:

Have fun with PHP tokenizer !
08-Dec-2004 02:58
You may want to know the line and column number at which a token begins (or ends). Since this tokenizer interface doesn't provide that information, you have to track it manually, like below:

function update_line_and_column_positions($c, &$line, &$col)
// update line count
$numNewLines = substr_count($c, "\n");
   if (
1 <= $numNewLines) {
// have new lines, add them in
$line += $numNewLines;
$col  1;

// skip to right past the last new line, as it won't affect the column position
$c = substr($c, strrpos($c, "\n") + 1);
       if (
$c === false) {
$c = '';

// update column count
$col += strlen($c);


Now use it, something like:


= 1;
$col  = 1;
foreach (
$tokens as $token) {
   if (
is_array($token)) {
       list (
$token, $text) = $token;
   } else if (
is_string($token)) {
$text = $token;

update_line_and_column_positions($text, $line, $col);


Note this assumes that your desired coordinate system is 1-based (eg (1,1) is the upper left). Zero-based is left as an exercise for the reader.
Leon Atkinson
07-Dec-2002 07:17
This function parses PHP code.  Here's an example of it's use.
= '<?$a = 3;?>';

token_get_all($code) as $c)
token_name($c[0]) . ": '" . htmlentities($c[1]) . "'\n");