

swf_nextid -- Returns the next free object id


int swf_nextid ( void )

The swf_nextid() function returns the next available object id.

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
zarek at jazdesign dot com
09-May-2001 02:36
this function, when used as shown below, works fine:
$char = "mytext";
$fontsize = 50;
$horiz = 50;
$vert = -50;
swf_pushmatrix ();
$nextid = swf_nextid ();
swf_definefont ($nextid, "Pix3");
swf_fontsize ($fontsize);
$nextid2 = swf_nextid ();
swf_definetext ($nextid2, $char, 1);
swf_translate ($horiz, $vert, 0);
swf_placeobject ($nextid2, 2);
swf_popmatrix ();

Stay tuned, I will be posting many working examples of swf using php on http://www.jazdesign.com  ... there is not anything there now but there will be soon.... send me email if you have specific questions.

note: swf with php is very quirky! if one thing is wrong it can make your system crash, browser lock or other fun things, sometimes testing can drive you nuts!