
(PHP 5)

substr_compare --  Binary safe optionally case insensitive comparison of 2 strings from an offset, up to length characters


int substr_compare ( string main_str, string str, int offset [, int length [, bool case_insensitivity]] )

substr_compare() compares main_str from position offset with str up to length characters.

Returns < 0 if main_str from position offset is less than str, > 0 if it is greater than str, and 0 if they are equal. If length is equal or greater than length of main_str and length is set, substr_compare() prints warning and returns FALSE.

If case_insensitivity is TRUE, comparison is case insensitive.

例子 1. A substr_compare() example

echo substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 2); // 0
echo substr_compare("abcde", "bcg", 1, 2); // 0
echo substr_compare("abcde", "BC", 1, 2, true); // 0
echo substr_compare("abcde", "bc", 1, 3); // 1
echo substr_compare("abcde", "cd", 1, 2); // -1
echo substr_compare("abcde", "abc", 5, 1); // warning

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
23-May-2005 08:07
Modified version of the original posted function. Use this one:

if (!function_exists('substr_compare')) {
substr_compare($main_str, $str, $offset, $length = NULL, $case_insensitivity = false) {
$offset = (int) $offset;

// Throw a warning because the offset is invalid
if ($offset >= strlen($main_str)) {
trigger_error('The start position cannot exceed initial string length.', E_USER_WARNING);

// We are comparing the first n-characters of each string, so let's use the PHP function to do it
if ($offset == 0 && is_int($length) && $case_insensitivity === true) {
strncasecmp($main_str, $str, $length);

// Get the substring that we are comparing
if (is_int($length)) {
$main_substr = substr($main_str, $offset, $length);
$str_substr = substr($str, 0, $length);
       } else {
$main_substr = substr($main_str, $offset);
$str_substr = $str;

// Return a case-insensitive comparison of the two strings
if ($case_insensitivity === true) {
strcasecmp($main_substr, $str_substr);

// Return a case-sensitive comparison of the two strings
return strcmp($main_substr, $str_substr);