
(PHP 5)


(no version information, might be only in CVS)

SQLiteDatabase->query -- Executes a query against a given database and returns a result handle


resource sqlite_query ( resource dbhandle, string query [, int result_type [, string &error_msg]] )

resource sqlite_query ( string query, resource dbhandle [, int result_type [, string &error_msg]] )

Object oriented style (method):

class SQLiteDatabase {

SQLiteResult query ( string query [, int result_type [, string &error_msg]] )


Executes an SQL statement given by the query against a given database handle.



The SQLite Database resource; returned from sqlite_open() when used procedurally. This parameter is not required when using the object-oriented method.


The query to be executed.


可选的 result_type 参数接受一个常量并决定返回的数组如何索引。用 SQLITE_ASSOC 只会返回关联索引(有名称字段)而 SQLITE_NUM 只会返回数字索引(有序字段数)。SQLITE_BOTH 会同时返回关联和数字索引。 SQLITE_BOTH 是本函数的默认值。


The specified variable will be filled if an error occurs. This is specially important because SQL syntax errors can't be fetched using the sqlite_last_error() function.

注: 为兼容其它数据库(例如 MySQL),支持另两种替代的语法。推荐用第一种,dbhandle 参数作为函数的第一个参数。


This function will return a result handle or FALSE on failure. For queries that return rows, the result handle can then be used with functions such as sqlite_fetch_array() and sqlite_seek().

Regardless of the query type, this function will return FALSE if the query failed.

sqlite_query() returns a buffered, seekable result handle. This is useful for reasonably small queries where you need to be able to randomly access the rows. Buffered result handles will allocate memory to hold the entire result and will not return until it has been fetched. If you only need sequential access to the data, it is recommended that you use the much higher performance sqlite_unbuffered_query() instead.


5.1.0 Added the error_msg parameter



SQLite will execute multiple queries separated by semicolons, so you can use it to execute a batch of SQL that you have loaded from a file or have embedded in a script. However, this works only when the result of the function is not used - if it is used, only the first SQL statement would be executed. Function sqlite_exec() will always execute multiple SQL statements.

When executing multiple queries, the return value of this function will be FALSE if there was an error, but undefined otherwise (it might be TRUE for success or it might return a result handle).

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jason at fatpipeinc dot com
27-Oct-2005 10:32

sqlite_query will return NULL if the web server cannot write to the sqlite database file.

(please correct the previous post and delete this one)
jason at fatpipeinc dot com
25-Oct-2005 12:35
sqlite_open will return NULL if the web server cannot write to the sqlite database file.

I saw the following message in my web server error log:

PHP Warning:  sqlite_query(): (null) ...

It turns out that the sqlite database file was owned by a user other than the one the web server was running as.  In my case, it was a Linux system running Apache (which was running under the context of user apache).  The sqlite database file was owned by root.  I changed ownership of the file to user apache and now it works!  The sqlite_open call now returns a valid result handle.

Jason Aeschilman
05-Oct-2004 04:54
While reading the manual at sqlite.org, I can answer for the quotes in strings. You should put two quote to get one.

insert into atable values ( '5 O''Clock');
csaba at alum dot mit dot edu
30-Apr-2004 09:41
The function below allows you to submit multiple queries in one shot to a SQLITE database, and will return whatever you would get for the final query.

function sqlite_query_multi ($db, $query) {
   // submit multiple queries (separated by ;) to $db
   // and return the result from the last one
   $multiSQL = "/('[^']*'|\"[^\"]*\"|[^;'\"])*;/";
   preg_match_all ($multiSQL, "$query;", $aSQL);
   for ($i=sizeof($aSQL=$aSQL[0]);$i--;)
   if (!($trim=trim(substr($aSQL[$i],0,-1))))
       unset ($aSQL[$i]);
       else $aSQL[$i] = "$trim;";
   foreach ($aSQL as $i => $sql)
   $dbRes = sqlite_query ($db, $sql);
   return (@$dbRes);

The section below illustrates the above function:

$db = sqlite_open(":memory:", 0666, $sqliteerror);
$query = <<<EOD
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (Null, 'Hi');
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (Null, 'Mom');
$dbRes = sqlite_query_multi ($db, $query);  // 4 statements
while (sqlite_has_more($dbRes))
   var_dump(sqlite_fetch_array($dbRes, SQLITE_ASSOC));

Csaba Gabor