
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5)

socket_shutdown -- Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both


bool socket_shutdown ( resource socket [, int how] )

The socket_shutdown() function allows you to stop incoming, outgoing or all data (the default) from being sent through the socket

The value of how can be one of the following:

表格 1. possible values for how

0 Shutdown socket reading
1 Shutdown socket writing
2 Shutdown socket reading and writing

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richard dot thomas at psysolutions dot com
24-Nov-2005 02:20
That is not a good example of a graceful shutdown. One should close the sending side of the socket and continue to read until the remote end closes its sending connection.
ludvig dot ericson at gmail dot com
03-Sep-2005 04:13
Sockets should be first shutdown and then closed.
// Sample: Closing sockets gracefully
socket_shutdown($sock, 2);