
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5)

shmop_close -- Close shared memory block


void shmop_close ( int shmid )

shmop_close() is used to close a shared memory block.

shmop_close() takes the shmid, which is the shared memory block identifier created by shmop_open().

例子 1. Closing shared memory block


This example will close shared memory block identified by $shm_id.

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slavapl at mailandnews dot com
03-May-2001 03:31
shmop_close doesn't delete the memory segment, it just detaches from it.

If you have created the block and need to delete it you must call shmop_delete **BEFORE** calling shmop_close (for reasons outlined in shmop_delete help page notes).