
(PHP 3 >= 3.0.13, PHP 4, PHP 5)

posix_getpwuid -- Return info about a user by user id


array posix_getpwuid ( int uid )

Returns an associative array containing information about a user referenced by a numeric user ID, passed in the uid parameter.

The array elements returned are:

表格 1. The user information array

name The name element contains the username of the user. This is a short, usually less than 16 character "handle" of the user, not her real, full name.
passwd The passwd element contains the user's password in an encrypted format. Often, for example on a system employing "shadow" passwords, an asterisk is returned instead.
uid User ID, should be the same as the uid parameter used when calling the function, and hence redundant.
gid The group ID of the user. Use the function posix_getgrgid() to resolve the group name and a list of its members.
gecos GECOS is an obsolete term that refers to the finger information field on a Honeywell batch processing system. The field, however, lives on, and its contents have been formalized by POSIX. The field contains a comma separated list containing the user's full name, office phone, office number, and home phone number. On most systems, only the user's full name is available.
dir This element contains the absolute path to the home directory of the user.
shell The shell element contains the absolute path to the executable of the user's default shell.

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mehmet at karakaya dot us
20-Mar-2006 03:45
if the system is also a mail server and system users have userdirs with php support this function may cause a spam abuse which made by a system user.


/* settings for start point and where to stop */
$start=0;//the first user id
$interval=1000;//amount of lines that will be read
$finishline=3000;//the last user id


/* getting and writing the user info line by line */
//copiedpasswd must be writeable by apache
for ($user=$first;$user<=$last;$user++)
  if (
$list['name']=='') { continue; }
//end for

/* control or forwarding in order to prevent prescription */
if ($last>=$finishline)
header("Location: copiedpasswd");
//end if
$first += $interval;
$last += $interval;
header("Location: thenameofthisscript.php?first=$first&last=$last");
//end else


Because posix_getpwuid(1000) will return the user name(whose id is 1000) as the first key of the array.
26-Sep-2004 05:05
If You are useing kernel security module, such as LIDS, GrSec or Selinux it will work only if '/etc/passwd' is readable for user, under which PHP/Apache runs, otherwice you get FALSE.
rolf dot winterscheidt at rowitech dot de
28-May-2003 07:34
To get the name of the owner of a file you can use something like this:



"Owner is $fileowner";

(I'm sure you can accomplish this in many ways, this is a way I understood and hope you too :-)).

rcgraves+php at brandeis dot edu
22-Feb-2000 09:54
Returns an array containing the elements of the password structure. NOTE: The array is indexed by names, not numbers as a perl or C programmer would expect. The array elements are:
$_["name"]  string userid (joeschmo)
$_["passwd"] string crypted password (or "x" if shadowed)
$_["uid"] integer uidnumber (e.g. 0 for root)
$_["gid"] integer primary gidnumber (e.g. 0 for wheel/root)
$_["gecos"] string name (Joseph P. Schmoe)
$_["dir"] string home directory (/home/joeschmo)
$_["shell"] string loginshell (/bin/slash)