
(no version information, might be only in CVS)

PDO::query --  Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object


PDOStatement PDO::query ( string statement )

PDO::query() executes an SQL statement in a single function call, returning the result set (if any) returned by the statement as a PDOStatement object.

For a query that you need to issue multiple times, you will realize better performance if you prepare a PDOStatement object using PDO::prepare() and issue the statement with multiple calls to PDOStatement::execute().



The SQL statement to prepare and execute.


PDO::query() returns a PDOStatement object.


例子 1. Demonstrate PDO::query

A nice feature of PDO::query() is that it enables you to iterate over the rowset returned by a successfully executed SELECT statement.

function getFruit($conn) {
$sql = 'SELECT name, colour, calories FROM fruit ORDER BY name';
    foreach (
$conn->query($sql) as $row) {
$row['NAME'] . "\t";
$row['COLOUR'] . "\t";
$row['CALORIES'] . "\n";


apple   red     150
banana  yellow  250
kiwi    brown   75
lemon   yellow  25
orange  orange  300
pear    green   150
watermelon      pink    90



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yannikh at gmeil dot com
28-Oct-2006 05:47
@E. Rnie:
The example DOES work fine.
query returns in iterable object. print_r just does not show that!

Ich you use fetchAll() you will receive an Array with all rows. Of course this works too, but it is not a good idea on big resultsets.
E. Rnie
22-May-2006 09:36
the above example does not function well...
it just returned
   [queryString] => "SELECT * FROM...."

with a trailing ->fetchAll() everthing is working fine...

the complete correct line:

foreach ($conn->query($sql)->fetchAll as $row) {
dozoyousan at gmail dot com
03-May-2006 01:26
> When query() fails, the boolean false is returned.

I think that is "Silent Mode".
If that set attribute ErrorMode "Exception Mode"
then that throw PDOException.
 $pdoObj = new PDO( $dsn, $user, $pass );
Nicolas Brard Nault
06-Mar-2006 07:03
When query() fails, the boolean false is returned.