
(PHP 3 >= 3.0.4, PHP 4, PHP 5)

ocilogon -- oci_connect() 的别名



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ca dot ddy at gmx dot de
02-Aug-2006 12:27
You will get the error ORA-12154 when there seems to be no right to access the tnsnames.ora file.

I could fix the problem set the apache user to oracle and the group to dba. (It depends which user and group for oracle you created on your system).

For me it isen't risky cause I am sitting in an unreachable WAN. After the changes the problem was fixed.

My environment :
php4.4.2, Apache 1.3.29, Oracle 10gR2 on SLES9 (SP2)
ben at onshop dot co dot uk
14-Jul-2005 08:25
There is a useful solution to the problem of securing connection information in the PHP Cookbook (O'Reilly) by David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg. They propose using 'SetEnv' in the Apache configuration and then accessing the values from within a script using $_SERVER.

Unfortunately using the 'SetEnv' solution exposes your connection information to all users of that virtual host. If they run phpinfo.php or display $_SERVER, I found that they will see the password from any file under the root of that virtual host.

To restrict exposure to a particular directory or specific file:

1. First put an 'Include' to the secret file in httpd.conf. For example:

Include "/web/private/secret.txt"

2. In the password file, use the 'SetEnvIf' directive to enable the Environment variables by directory only or within a specific file. For example:

- For all files in the directory:

SetEnvIf Request_URI "/path/to/my/directory" ORACLE_PASS=5gHj790j

- For a specific file in the directory

SetEnvIf Request_URI "/path/to/my/directory/connection.oracle.php" ORACLE_PASS=5gHj790j
ben at onshop dot co dot uk
06-Jul-2005 11:51
I spent ages trying work out why I was getting the following message when when using ocilogon() on Windows 2000 using PHP 4 and 5:

ORA-03106 Fatal two-task communication protocol error

This problem is occurs when PHP cannot find ORACLE client environmental variables.

The environmental variables can be set in several ways:

1. Within the root 'Directory' directive on Apache httpd.conf:

<Directory "d:/path/to/webroot">
  SetEnv ORACLE_BASE "c:/oracle"
  SetEnv ORACLE_HOME "c:/oracle/ora81"
  SetEnv NLS_LANG "american_america.WE8DEC"


2. Within Windows:

Go to the Control Panel>System>Advanced>Environmental Variables

Then enter a name value/pair for each of the variables.

3. Using putenv() statements in the PHP file prior to using ocilogon(). This is not ideal because the statements are required evertime you wish to connect to Oracle.
18-May-2005 08:15
If you want the change NLS_LANG (e.g.:  NLS_LANG="FRENCH_FRANCE.WE8ISO8859P1") don't forget to also set LC_ALL and LANG (e.g.: LC_ALL=french and LANG=french) else you'll have a ORA-01756 when you try to call ocilogon.
yamakazi dot hiroshi at gmail dot com
17-Nov-2004 05:44
In reply to william_poulsen at hotmail dot com:

I was trying to connect to a Oracle database wich worked fine in a web browser but failed when i executed the script from command line.

Thanks to william_poulsen at hotmail dot com i learned that the problem was that the command line can't find the TNSNAMES.  His solution was to edit you DB to the TNSNAMES entry.  Sadly enough this didn't do the trick.  I got segmantation fault when the script was executed.  So i started to set my Oracle variables prior to executing the script.  ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_BASE and added $ORACLE_HOME/BIN  to the path.  After that PHP seems to use this variables and the connection can be made.  Problem solved.

I hope this can help somebody out there.
neogodo at yahoo dot com dot br
07-Aug-2004 09:15
Hey guys!!!!

 I have all these problems and when are solved a php show this:

_oci_server ORA-12159:connection text especified is too long

It's simple!!!

  In the TNSNAMES.ORA remove all space, tab, carriage return on the conection string and, wallah!!! All work fine!!!

  More info:

   PHP 5.0.0  with Oci8
   Apache 1.3

Romolo (neogodo@yahoo.com.br).
DBA Oracle
Brazil - SP - Sao Paulo
ed000001 at hotmail dot com
02-Jul-2004 06:04
If you get your connectivity working with putenv on ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME, but you do not want to use putenv because you want safemode on. You will need to pass these from your environment variables.  Somehow setenv in httpd.conf did not do the trick for me... the values are set but the connectivity does not work.  Then you will need to set the environment in your /etc/init.d/apachectl or /etc/profile and use a "PassEnv ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_SID" directive in httpd.conf so that these variables are picked up by php.

However, when you suexec in Apache 2.0, the server will only allow you to pass a given set of variables which are defined in the apache source code in the file apache-dir/support/suexec.c

In order to pass ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME to PHP you need to add these to that file.  The relevant changed piece of code where I added "ORACLE_" looks something like this:

char *safe_env_lst[] =
   /* variable name starts with */

   /* variable name is */

You will have to do a "make clean", "./configure", "make", "make install".  Do not forget to do the "make clean" or the apache changes will not be picked up.

Here is a nice php test script :)

<?php // test-oracle.php

function dump_array($a_value)
       for (
$s_str = '' ; list($s_key, $x_value) = each($a_value) ;  )
$s_str .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;".
"<span style=\"color:green\">[</span>$s_key<span style=\"color:green\">]</span> = ".
"<span style=\"color:red\">[</span>$x_value<span style=\"color:red\">]</span><br />";


$cn = ociplogon('scott', 'tiger');
"cn = $cn<br />\n";
$st = ociparse($cn, "select tname from tab");
"st = $st<br />\n";
$ex = ociexecute($st,OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS);
"ex = $ex<br />\n";
$mr = ocifetchinto($st,$xx,OCI_ASSOC);
   while (
$mr )
$mr = ocifetchinto($st,$xx,OCI_ASSOC);
$fr = ocifreestatement($st);
"fr = $fr<br />";
william_poulsen at hotmail dot com
18-Jun-2004 07:00
If you are trying to do an Oracle query from the command line you may need to manually configure ORACLE_SID.  If, for example, you want the server to generate emails based on the contents of some tables you can setup a cron job to run your PHP script as opposed to requiring somebody to go to the page in a browser.  From a PHP script within a browser you can do something like the following because the TSANames are configured within Apache...
$odbc = ocilogon ('USER', 'PASS', $db) or die( "Could not connect to Oracle database!");
if (
$odbc == false){
$msg = OCIError($odbc)."<BR>";}

From a commandline script you have to change the $db variable as follows...

     (ADDRESS =
         (PROTOCOL = TCP)
         (PORT = 1521)

$odbc = ocilogon ('user', 'pass', $db) or die( "Could not connect to Oracle database!") or die (ocierror());
cjbj at hotmail dot com
16-Feb-2004 05:06
If PHP is linked with Oracle 10g (or later) client libraries, the Easy
Connection syntax can be used to identify which database to connect
to.  This can remove the need for a local tnsnames.ora file or complex
connect string.  The new syntax can be used to connect to earlier
versions of Oracle.

With Oracle 10g client libraries, the third parameter "db" for
OCILogon can have the syntax:


An example is:

   $c = OCILogon('scott', 'tiger', '//mymachine.mydomain/mydbservice');

The pre-10g syntax equivalent is something like:

   $c = OCILogon('scott', 'tiger',
       (HOST=mymachine.mydomain) (PORT=1521)))

The full syntax continues to work with 10g.  It allows for more
complex configuration than available with the Easy Connect method.

Oracle documentation and the fine print for Easy Connect is at:

(note the split URL due to PHP doc site limitations needs to be recombined for use)
Rick Fletcher <fletch_pobox#com>
08-Jan-2004 06:35
Using PHP 4.3.4, Apache/2.0.48, Oracle 9.2 the following line would generate the same ORA-12560 errors that lffranco reported, even with the "ORACLE_SID" environmental variable set.

<?php $DBH = OCILogon( "user", "pass" ); ?>

Once I set Oracle's hidden "LOCAL" environmental variable to the same value as "ORACLE_SID", all was well.
lffranco *at* dco dot pemex dot com
18-Dec-2003 04:26
This took me a lot of time to solve, so I'm placing it here for my future reference, and for somebody who finds it useful. I don't know if it will work on your environment, this is what I have:

* Windoze Advanced Server 2003
* IIS 6
* Oracle 8.1.7

So how I configured the whole thing? First do whatever the standard PHP configuration says... it won't work, anyway... but it will help. I installed PHP on C:\PHP; Oracle Home is in E:\Oracle\ora817.

* Install Oracle 8 client. NOTE: You must use an Oracle 8 client, I used an Oracle 9 client and for some reason (dll binding I guess), it didn't work

* Copy $ORACLE_HOME/bin/cli.dll into $WINDOWS/System32

* Modify your SQLNET.ORA file and change the line:

by this one:


I dunno WTF NTS is, so if somebody sends me an eMail and explain, I'll be thankful. But if you don't do this you'll get an ORA-12560 error.

And that's it for Oracle. Now, the IIS configuration:

* Open your IIS Administrator and "Web Service Extensions", add a new extension as follows:
** Extension Name: PHP
** Required Files (ADD): C:\php\extensions\php_oci8.dll; c:\php\sapi\php4isapi.dll; c:\WINDOWS\system32\oci.dll
** Check "Set Extension Status as Allowed"

Now you can use your ocli* functions, or better yet, use PEAR::DB functions which was my ultimate goal, with PEAR::DB you can forget about declaring ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID and all that kind of things. Just use:

= "oci8://scott:tiger@example"
$db = DB::Connect($dsn);
aleigh at tessier dot com
17-Nov-2003 07:16
Warning: ocilogon(): _oci_open_session: OCIHandleAlloc OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE can also be caused by running the webserver with an ORACLE_HOME of a (radically?) different version than PHP was linked against.

I experienced this when I accidently used an Oracle 8 ORACLE_HOME for a PHP that was linked against Oracle 9.
aliquis at die dot spammers dot die dot link-net dot org
23-Oct-2003 09:39
I've had all kinds of errors with RedHat9(yuck), PHP 4.3.4RC1 and Oracle enterprice server 9.2. For some time I thought that --with-oci8 wouldn't work with Oracle9 but that wasn't the case, the solution was many steps.

1) install oracle, might require some tricks, on RedHat9 I had to put this in my .bashrc:
export ORACLE_BASE=/opt/ora9
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/9.2
export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
export ORACLE_SID=netadmdb
export ORACLE_TERM=vt100
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
export THREADS_FLAG=native

2) compile php, use --with-oci8

3) Make an init-script for the oracle9 database server, as default the TNS listener doesn't run so add that on aswell, example:
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/ora9/product/9.2
export ORACLE_SID=netadmdb
export DISPLAY=:0
export oracle_user
case $1 in
su - "$oracle_user"<<EOO
sqlplus /nolog<<EOS
connect / as sysdba
/opt/ora9/product/9.2/bin/lsnrctl start
su - "$oracle_user"<<EOO
/opt/ora9/product/9.2/bin/lsnrctl stop
sqlplus /nolog<<EOS
connect / as sysdba
shutdown immediate
echo "Usage: ora9 [start|stop]"

4) Configure Apache. For some reason it requires some tweaking with environment variables, in the begining I put those in the PHP-script with putenv, later in the httpd.conf with SetEnv and the mod_env module. But I was told to not do that and instead set them in the init script for Apache. So I copied apachectl to /etc/init.d and edited envvars in $APACHE_PATH/bin. First I added all kinds of env variables until I got it to work, and then I removed them one at a time and came to the following minimal configuration:

Earlier I had added NLS_LANG and TNS_ADMIN above those mentioned above (point 1), but it seems those aren't needed really. So no need for TWO_TASK or ORACLE_SID, only needed one is ORACLE_HOME and if you get missing/invalid option for your OCILogon set LANG to something else like I did. Someone earlier said it might have to do with UTF8.

So if you are sure lsncrtl are started and that you have the correct env-variables set in your $APACHE_PATH/bin/envvars you can just use something like:


in your PHP-script and it should work.
Hope this helps someone.
Tomasz dot Kokowski at put dot poznan dot pl
03-Oct-2003 02:45
Getting PHP 4.3.3 (and lower versions) to work
with Apache v2.xxx and Oracle 8i was easy.

But just after Oracle upgrade to 9i ugly message
appeared when ocologon () was called :

Warning: ocilogon(): _oci_open_session: OCIHandleAlloc OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX: OCI_INVALID_HANDLE

What we should do? All environment variables
has been set correctly, tnsnames too (it worked
under oracle 8i).

The solution was posted 2003-09-17 22:24 by
Andy Hassall (andy@andyh.co.uk) responding in
news:comp.lang.php threat "PHP & OCI9. No such..."

"Also check file permissions on the Oracle home; by default, Oracle 9i installs the Oracle home with restricted permissions (this differs from 8i). You may need to grant at least Read and Execute permissions to the web server's user."

That's correct. I've added r-x permissions for others
for oracle user $HOME and got nice message - logged
with success!

Tomasz Kokowski
20-Aug-2003 10:52
For those having Oracle errors, I find out that little something, while using Apache2. I don't know if this applies also to Apache 1.x, but for Apache2, this is the ultimate solution!

Especially with ORA-12154 and ORA-12505, some said to write the following code in your php script, but if you have access to the configuration or your web server, DON'T!

$username = "scott";
$passwd = "tiger";
$conn = OCILogon($username,$passwd,$db);

All right, like I said, if you have access to the configuration of apache, there is a file in $APACHE2/bin called envvars. Simply put the necessary environment variables needed by Oracle in this file: ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME and myself I also added LD_LIBRARY_PATH with oracle directories.

At first, my problem was that I didn't had all the environment sets when rebooting the server, but if I'd stop apache, then restart it, while beeing root, all the environment was there. Setting the envvars file correctly solved the reboot problem.

Hope this will help!
NOSPAMPLZ!esartoni at omniaglobal dot net
27-May-2003 06:12
I had a little problem with ocilogon but only with RedHat 8.0. It always returned some kind of error during connection like 'OCISessionBegin - ... invalid character', or 'OCISessionBegin - ... missing or invalid option in ...'

I have finally found what is this problem! You have to change your LANG enviroment variable disabling UTF-8. Example: LANG=en_US.UTF-8 should become LANG=en_US.
nino at lkp dot ifsab dot se
21-May-2003 08:17
After a long time trying to get a select to work I found something that is not in the comments. TWO_TASK environment variable must be set to the database alias in tnsnames.ora for it to work with my setup.
RH 9.0 (Apache 2.0)
PHP 4.2.2 with SRPM recompiled with oci8 support
Oracle client installed

Hope it helps some poor soul.
john at john-warner dot com
21-Nov-2002 08:13
In addition to the earlier posts here is a further explaination;

Problem: Regular and Remote authentication does not work using Windows 2000 + PHP and Oracle 8i, 9i.

Secondary Issue if using Oracle
     When using Oracle the Error structure returned by Oracle is different than expected by PHP. As a result there will be no legible error message other than the following;
     Warning: _oci_open_server: in ...

Using Oracle the error message returned is any of the following depending on your situation;
Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed in ...
Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name in ...
Warning: _oci_open_server: ORA-12505: TNS:listener could not resolve SID given in connect descriptor in ...
In order to get this to work properly you need to do the following;
In reference to ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed in ...
you need to edit your sqlnet.ora file and change the
The reason is that using NTS validation on a Windows 2000 machine essentially means Kerberos.
Using (NONE) will tell oracle not to expect kerberos "Credentials" as a means of validation. In turn it will use the oracle authentication for a database user.

In reference to ORA-12154 and ORA-12505 you need to do the following;
In your php code you are using to connect you need to copy the section in tnsnames.ora
into a variable.
For example;
$username = "scott";
$passwd = "tiger";
$conn = OCILogon($username,$passwd,$db);
if (!
"Connection failed";
"Error Message: [" . OCIError($conn) . "]";
I left the ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN putenv lines commented out and your need for them depends on which web server you are using. If you are using Apache, you may need both.
If you are using Microsoft IIS you may need ORACLE_HOME. Putting it in can't hurt and it appears PHP may read them if they are there but either way you should be working at this

Live long and prosper.
DBrown3205 at aol dot com
09-Apr-2002 10:49
If you're running an apache server, make sure you have php setup as a module. Then just include the environment variables in the apache config, and use all 3 parts of the ocilogon. You don't even have to copy the tsnnames.ora definition, just use the standard sid
i990712 at dei dot isep dot ipp dot pt
03-Oct-2001 08:53
For those of you who are having Oracle errors: ORA-12154 or ORA-12505 or ORA-01005 do the folowing:

The folowing precedures have been tested when connecting to a HP UX with Oracle 7.x using of couse the OCI8 as the client interface.

Add those lines to the web server config files or set and export those ones before the web server starts.

On Apache add these lines to httpd.conf:

SetEnv ORACLE_HOME /usr/local/oracle
SetEnv ORACLE_SID <sid>
SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/oracle/lib
SetEnv TNS_ADMIN /usr/local/oracle/tnsnames.ora
SetEnv TWO_TASK /usr/local/oracle/tnsnames.ora
SetEnv NLS_LANG  English_America.WE8ISO8859P1
SetEnv ORACLE_BASE /usr/local

When calling the OCILogon do this:

$db = "  (DESCRIPTION =
   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP) (HOST =server_ip_or_dns_name)(PORT = 1521))
   (CONNECT_DATA= (SID = _sid_))

The previous definition is a copy of the service definition that is stored in the tnsnames.ora file.

Next, call the OCILogon function using the folowing format:

OCILogon("user/password","password", $db);

To avoid ORA-01005 error, set the NLS_LANG environment variable to English_America.WE8ISO8859P1 ( some other values may work...but we have found that this one works for us )

To avoid ORA-12154 and ORA-12505, use the service definition as the OCILogon third parameter.

I'd like to thanks to a friend of mine a.k.a Rosa for the user/password tip.

Miguel Carvalho
me at dglewis dot com
09-Aug-2001 09:14
Some trouble-shooting notes:<br>
When using Apache with dso support and php as a loadable module, be sure to stop/start your web server between tnsnames.ora changes (sending HUP to apache "apachectl restart" doesn't appear to flush cached connect string).<br>
You'll see your changed connect strings in the listener log file.<p>
This is a very simple file to manage, yet can be very picky about your syntax.  Simply ensure that you follow one of these two examples:<br>
Legacy SID:<br>
alias-or-sidname =
   (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = hostname-or-ipaddress)(Port = 1521))
     (SID = sidname)
hostname.domainname.com =
     (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname-or-ipaddress)(PORT = 1521))
     (SERVICE_NAME = servicename)
Additional notes:<br>
- ORA/TNS-12514 error can also be caused by listener not being started.
- Ensure that httpd user (i.e. nobody) has the following in its environment (putenv is unnecessary if env is set by os via /etc/profile):
Also, some helpful resources:
- TNS Error Messages:
- TNS Listener logs:
Marinne at ilovechocolate dot com
17-May-2001 08:25
One simple but useful note:check whether your TNS Listener is running! By default, it's not started automatically when an Oracle instance is started. Login as oracle then type :

lsnrctl START

After it's started, I can sucessfully run the sample code on this page! I used to got ora-12514 error before doing this.
bluei at phpworld dot org
06-Mar-2001 06:57
check your tnsnames.ora permission.

ORACLE_HOME = /home/oracle/oracle

chmod 755 /home/oracle/oracle/network/admin -R

Yahoo!!!!!! I solved it!!!
c_caughlan at hotmail dot com
20-Jan-2001 12:05
If you are experiencing problems logging onto your Oracle DB, maybe a ORA-12154 error or something like that, try setting the ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, TNS_ADMIN vars in your Apache config, rather than using PutEnv() inside PHP. Its because PHP/Apache needs to know these variables upon server startup, not when it serves the PHP page. Of course, this assumes you have OCI installed locally on the webserver, if you dont, no matter what variables you set and where, it just wont work.
obatopaye at yahoo dot com
19-Oct-2000 02:45
To avoid the ORACLE_SID problem/not being able to connect to database:
Apache parent thread runs as 'root' - setup root's profile to have ORACLE variables - then when script starts Apache - also initialize profile to current shell.

user 'nobody' inherits all root's profile.
lhf at mail dot 2932 dot com dot cn
14-Jul-2000 11:39
While login to remote oracle server,you should setup oracle client first.If failed with error ora-12154,Please if you web server account can acess the tnsnames.ora file or not.One way is login as root then 'su nobody' and set the correct envrionment,run sqlplus to test if it works fine.
vasquez at sp-am dot dot eu
13-May-2000 06:54
If you try to connect to an Oracle7 database,
and you get the "ora-01005, null password given errror", make sure to do the following:<br>
-install net8 (ok, you already did)<br>
- use net8 as ORACLE_HOME *for the webserver*!<br>
- add the user of the httpd process  (nobody or www or whatever) to the group oracle<br>
- use the TWO_TASK env for connecting
rkohli at xperts dot com
01-Apr-2000 03:32
Regarding connecting to an Oracle Db on NT from Linux, here is what you need to do. Little Oracle knowledge is a prerequisite.

1. Install Oracle database client onto Linux.
2. Once installed on Linux, modify the tnsanmes.ora file to create an alias to the database running on the NT box. Follow the syntax already in the tnsnames.ora file
3. Depending on the version of Oracle you have and the Oracle Database has the listener running there is a utility called tnsping(xx) that you can use to verify that you can hit a remote 0racle database syntax is tnsping <alias in tnsnames.ora>
4. You could use sqlplus to conenct to the remote database to verify the login process works. Remember to use login_id@tnsnames_alias/password
5. Once you have gotten this far PHP should be able to hit the database. Give it a shot. You might need to tool around the PHP config to get things to work. use the phpinfo function to debug, its rather useful.
akolk at gelrevision dot nl
05-Aug-1999 01:04
If you have Oracle8i installed, link against those directories. That will give you a number of usefull performance boosts while fetching data from the database. These optimizations will only work if your client libraries and server libraries are Oracle8i
Jeremy dot Bouse at UnderGrid dot net
20-Jul-1999 12:08
The ORACLE_SID should be known as it is the ID that designates the database you are wishing to connect to... Your oracle DBA account should have this set and running oraenv should recommend the correct SID if properly setup.