
(PHP 5)

oci_fetch_array -- Returns the next row from the result data as an associative or numeric array, or both


array oci_fetch_array ( resource statement [, int mode] )

Returns an array, which corresponds to the next result row or FALSE in case of error or there are no more rows in the result.

oci_fetch_array() returns an array with both associative and numeric indices.

注: 本函数对 PHP NULL 值设定 NULL 字段。

An optional second parameter can be any combination of the following constants:

OCI_BOTH - return an array with both associative and numeric indices (the same as OCI_ASSOC + OCI_NUM). This is the default behavior.
OCI_ASSOC - return an associative array (as oci_fetch_assoc() works).
OCI_NUM - return a numeric array, (as oci_fetch_row() works).
OCI_RETURN_NULLS - create empty elements for the NULL fields.
OCI_RETURN_LOBS - return the value of a LOB of the descriptor.

Default mode is OCI_BOTH.

It should be mentioned here, that oci_fetch_array() is insignificantly slower, than oci_fetch_row(), but much more handy.

注: Oracle returns all field names in uppercase and associative indices in the result array will be uppercased too.

例子 1. oci_fetch_array() with OCI_BOTH example

= oci_connect("apelsin", "kanistra");

$query = "SELECT id, name FROM fruits";

$statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
oci_execute ($statement);

while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement, OCI_BOTH)) {
$row[0]." and ".$row['ID']." is the same<br>";
$row[1]." and ".$row['NAME']." is the same<br>";

例子 2. oci_fetch_array() with OCI_NUM example

= oci_connect("user", "password");

$query = "SELECT id, name, lob_field FROM fruits";

$statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
oci_execute ($statement);

while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement, OCI_NUM)) {
$row[2]->read(100)."<br>";  //this will output first 100 bytes from LOB

例子 3. oci_fetch_array() with OCI_ASSOC example

= oci_connect("user", "password");

$query = "SELECT id, name, lob_field FROM fruits";

$statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
oci_execute ($statement);

while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement, OCI_NUM)) {
$row['LOB_FIELD']."<br>";  //this will output "Object id #1"

例子 4. oci_fetch_array() with OCI_RETURN_LOBS example

= oci_connect("user", "password");

$query = "SELECT id, name, lob_field FROM fruits";

$statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
oci_execute ($statement);

while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement, OCI_NUM)) {
$row['LOB_FIELD']."<br>";  //this will output LOB's content

有关 OCI8 驱动程序执行的数据类型映射的细节,见驱动程序支持的数据类型

See also oci_fetch_assoc(), oci_fetch_object(), oci_fetch_row() and oci_fetch_all().

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
badr at arabiadata dot com
18-Jul-2006 08:14
generating dynamic drop down list
<SELECT name="reason" id="vacation_code">
<OPTION value=0 selected>Choose </OPTION>
$statement2 = oci_parse ($conn, $query2);
oci_execute ($statement2);
while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement2, OCI_NUM)) {
                  <option value="<?  echo $row[1]; ?>"> <? echo $row[0] ?> </option>
                 <? }
antonchanning at gmail dot com
18-Apr-2006 04:59
As Robert Hicks mentioned back in August 2004 there is an error in examples 3 and 4 of this page.  The error in example 3 is what dwhitaker and stry_cat address in their notes of 20 May 2005 and 9 June 2005 respectively.

The correct form of example 4 should read:

= oci_connect("user", "password");

$query = "SELECT id, name, lob_field FROM fruits";

$statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
oci_execute ($statement);

while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement, OCI_RETURN_LOBS)) {
$row['LOB_FIELD']."<br>"//this will output LOB's content

This really should be corrected in the actual documentation...
stry_cat at yahoo dot com
28-Jan-2006 12:29
If you want to get both nulls and an assoc array, you have to ADD the values like this:

$row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_RETURN_NULLS + OCI_ASSOC);

This really should be noted in the text of the manual.
09-Jun-2005 11:13
OCI_BOTH is the default.

If you just need to return all fields, you can leave out OCI_NUM & OCI_ASSOC.


= ocilogon("user", "password", "dbname");

$query = "SELECT id, name, lob_field FROM fruits";

$statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
oci_execute ($statement);

while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement)) {
$id = $row['ID'];
$name = $row['NAME'];
$lob_field = $row['LOB_FIELD'];

$id.' '.$name.' '.$lob_field;

dwhitaker at dfwairport dot com
20-May-2005 10:39
Example 3 above is incorrect...


So it should read something like this:

= ocilogon("user", "password", "dbname");

$query = "SELECT id, name, lob_field FROM fruits";

$statement = oci_parse ($connection, $query);
oci_execute ($statement);

while (
$row = oci_fetch_array ($statement, OCI_ASSOC)) {
$id = $row['ID'];
$name = $row['NAME'];
$lob_field = $row['LOB_FIELD'];

$id.' '.$name.' '.$lob_field;

robert dot hicks at gmail dot com
10-Aug-2004 08:57
OCI_NUM should be changed in the various scripts to the appropriate call to the OCI_*. For example the script to show the OCI_ASSOC call still has OCI_NUMS in it.