
(PHP 4, PHP 5)

natcasesort --  用“自然排序”算法对数组进行不区分大小写字母的排序


bool natcasesort ( array &array )


如果成功则返回 TRUE,失败则返回 FALSE

natcasesort()natsort() 函数的不区分大小写字母的版本。

例子 1. natcasesort() 例子

= $array2 = array('IMG0.png', 'img12.png', 'img10.png', 'img2.png', 'img1.png', 'IMG3.png');

"Standard sorting\n";

"\nNatural order sorting (case-insensitive)\n";


Standard sorting
    [0] => IMG0.png
    [1] => IMG3.png
    [2] => img1.png
    [3] => img10.png
    [4] => img12.png
    [5] => img2.png

Natural order sorting (case-insensitive)
    [0] => IMG0.png
    [4] => img1.png
    [3] => img2.png
    [5] => IMG3.png
    [2] => img10.png
    [1] => img12.png

更多信息见 Martin Pool 的 Natural Order String Comparison 页面。

参见 sort()natsort()strnatcmp()strnatcasecmp()

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php at method5 dot de
07-Nov-2003 02:56
hi all,
this is my first post at first of all thank you for this huge site :)

ok i found it usefull to post this for others. in the german language we have words like '  ' its called "umlaute" and it was a problem to me to "naturally" sort an huge array correctly so i coded this small block to get me helped, if anyone has an better idea please post and let us know as i am not a real crack :)

1. change each "umlaut" () into its "nearest" equivalent
2. natcasesorting it naturally
3. re-assiging the correct sorted array with the original-words again while keeping track of the KEY...

$aSupplier = array(3 => "MAN",2 => "Atlas",16 => "Chevrolet",17 => "Chrysler",19 => "Citroen",24 => "DAF",25 => "Daihatsu",27 => "Daewoo",28 => "Demag",30 => "Dodge",36 => "Schierling",208 => "HIAB",38 => "Hffermann",39 => "Gergen",40 => "Kubato",41 => "Faun",43 => "Kleindienst",44 => "Swing",45 => "Neuhaus",46 => "Unimog",47 => "Meiller",48 => "Pfau-Johnston",49 => "Geesink",50 => "Schrling",51 => "Demag-Witting",53 => "Helmers",54 => "Ellermann",55 => "Jacobsen",56 => "Biki",57 => "Hansa",58 => "Kramer",59 => "Schmitz",60 => "Toro",61 => "Iseki",62 => "Haller",63 => "Kuka",64 => "Brock",65 => "Ambross",66 => "Sobernheimer",67 => "Pietsch",68 => "Kpper",69 => "Weisser",71 => "Wackenhut");

foreach ( $aSupplier as $key => $value )
   $aSupplier2[$key] = strtr($aSupplier[$key], "", "AOUaous");


foreach ( $aSupplier2 as $key => $value )
  if ( $aSupplier2[$key] != "" )
   $aSupplier3[$key] = $aSupplier[$key];

echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";

vbAlexDOSMan at Yahoo dot com
12-Sep-2003 04:21
Ulli at Stemmeler dot net:  I remade your function -- it's a little more compact now -- Enjoy...

function ignorecasesort(&$array) {

  /*Make each element it's lowercase self plus itself*/
  /*(e.g. "MyWebSite" would become "mywebsiteMyWebSite"*/
  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $array[$i] = strtolower($array[$i]).$array[$i], $i++);

  /*Sort it -- only the lowercase versions will be used*/

  /*Take each array element, cut it in half, and add the latter half to a new array*/
  /*(e.g. "mywebsiteMyWebSite" would become "MyWebSite")*/
  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($array); $i++) {
   $this = $array[$i];
   $array[$i] = substr($this, (strlen($this)/2), strlen($this));
dslicer at maine dot rr dot com
03-Jun-2003 09:41
Something that should probably be documented is the fact that both natsort and natcasesort maintain the key-value associations of the array. If you natsort a numerically indexed array, a for loop will not produce the sorted order; a foreach loop, however, will produce the sorted order, but the indices won't be in numeric order. If you want natsort and natcasesort to break the key-value associations, just use array_values on the sorted array, like so:

$arr = array_values($arr);
tmiller25 at hotmail dot com
26-Apr-2002 10:55
add this loop to the function above if you want items which have the same first characters to be listed in a way that the shorter string comes first.
  /* short before longer (e.g. 'abc' should come before 'abcd') */
  for($i=count($array)-1;$i>0;$i--) {
   $str_a = $array[$i  ];
   $str_b = $array[$i-1];
   $cmp_a = strtolower(substr($str_a,0,strlen($str_a)));
   $cmp_b = strtolower(substr($str_b,0,strlen($str_a)));
   if ($cmp_a==$cmp_b && strlen($str_a)<strlen($str_b)) {
     $array[$i]=$str_b; $array[$i-1]=$str_a; $i+=2;
Ulli at Stemmeler dot net
06-Apr-2002 12:01
natcasesort didn't work first time I needed something like this.
Not on my local server, not on my server on the web.
I needed an array sorted ignoring upper and lower cases. In the end lower case array-members stayed at the end of the array.

I replaced it with this function:
function ignorecasesort(&$array) {
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($array);$i++) { $array[$i]=strtolower($array[$i]).$separator.$array[$i]; }
for($i=0;$i<sizeof($array);$i++) { $this=$array[$i]; $this=explode($separator,$this); $array[$i]=$this[1]; }