
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5)

mb_strlen -- Get string length


int mb_strlen ( string str [, string encoding] )

mb_strlen() returns number of characters in string str having character encoding encoding. A multi-byte character is counted as 1.

encoding is character encoding for str. If encoding is omitted, internal character encoding is used.

See also mb_internal_encoding(), strlen().

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filatei at gmail dot com
13-Aug-2006 01:48
I have been working with some funny html characters lately and due to the nightmare in manipulating them between mysql and php, I got the database column set to utf8, then store characters with html enity "ọ" as  in the database and set the encoding on php as "utf8".

This is where mb_strlen became more useful than strlen.  While strlen('') gives result as 3, mb_strlen('','UTF-8') gives 1 as expected.

But left(column1,1) in mysql still gives wrong char for a multibyte string.  In the example above, I had to do left(column1,3) to get the correct string from mysql.  I am now about to investigate multibyte manipulation in mysql.
Peter Albertsson
11-Nov-2004 06:21
If you wish to find the byte length of a multi-byte string when you are using mbstring.func_overload 2 and UTF-8 strings, then you can use the following:

mb_strlen($utf8_string, 'latin1');