
(PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5)

list --  把数组中的值赋给一些变量


void list ( mixed varname, mixed ... )

array() 一样,这不是真正的函数,而是语言结构。list() 用一步操作给一组变量进行赋值。

注: list() 仅能用于数字索引的数组并假定数字索引从 0 开始。

例子 1. list() 例子


= array('coffee', 'brown', 'caffeine');

// Listing all the variables
list($drink, $color, $power) = $info;
"$drink is $color and $power makes it special.\n";

// Listing some of them
list($drink, , $power) = $info;
"$drink has $power.\n";

// Or let's skip to only the third one
list( , , $power) = $info;
"I need $power!\n";


例子 2. 使用 list() 的例子

  <th>Employee name</th>


= mysql_query("SELECT id, name, salary FROM employees",$conn);
while (list(
$id, $name, $salary) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
" <tr>\n".
"  <td><a href=\"info.php?id=$id\">$name</a></td>\n".
"  <td>$salary</td>\n".
" </tr>\n";




list() 从最右边一个参数开始赋值。如果你用单纯的变量,不用担心这一点。但是如果你用了具有索引的数组,通常你期望得到的结果和在 list() 中写的一样是从左到右的,但实际上不是。是以相反顺序赋值的。

例子 3. 在 list() 中使用数组索引

= array('coffee', 'brown', 'caffeine');
$a[0], $a[1], $a[2]) = $info;

产生如下输出(注意单元顺序和 list() 语法中所写的顺序的比较):

array(3) {
  string(8) "caffeine"
  string(5) "brown"
  string(6) "coffee"

参见 each()array()extract()

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
ergalvan at bitam dot com
05-May-2006 02:29
With regard to the note written by dolan at teamsapient dot com:

You must take note that list() assigns variables starting from the rightmost one (as stated in the warning). That makes $record having the value "value4" and then $var1, $var2 and $var3 take their values from the "new" $record variable.

It's clear that the behavior stated in the warning wasn't followed by version 5.0.4 (and perhaps previous versions?)
dolan at teamsapient dot com
07-Apr-2006 02:08
I noticed w/ version 5.1.2, the behavior of list() has changed (this occurred at some point between version 5.0.4 and 5.1.2).  When re-using a variable name in list() that list() is being assigned to, instead of the values being assigned all at once, the reused variable gets overwritten before all the values are read.

Here's an example:
** disclaimer: obviously this is sloppy code, but I want to point out the behavior change (in case anyone else comes across similar code) **

= array();
$data[] = array("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4");
$data[] = array("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4");
$data[] = array("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4");
$data[] = array("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4");

$data as $record)
$var1, $var2, $var3, $record) = $record;
"var 1: $var1, var 2: $var2, var 3: $var3, record: $record\\n";

OUTPUT on version 5.0.4:
var 1: value1, var 2: value2, var 3: value3, record: value4
var 1: value1, var 2: value2, var 3: value3, record: value4
var 1: value1, var 2: value2, var 3: value3, record: value4
var 1: value1, var 2: value2, var 3: value3, record: value4

OUTPUT on version 5.1.2:
var 1: v, var 2: a, var 3: l, record: value4
var 1: v, var 2: a, var 3: l, record: value4
var 1: v, var 2: a, var 3: l, record: value4
var 1: v, var 2: a, var 3: l, record: value4
mzizka at hotmail dot com
03-Jan-2006 12:49
Elements on the left-hand side that don't have a corresponding element on the right-hand side will be set to NULL. For example,

= 0;
$x, $y) = array("x");

Results in:

string(1) "x"
25-Jul-2005 10:34
list, coupled with while, makes for a handy way to populate arrays.

while (list($repcnt[], $replnk[], $date[]) = mysql_fetch_row($seek0))
// insert what you want to do here.

PHP will automatically assign numerical values for the array because of the [] signs after the variable.

From here, you can access their row values by array numbers.


for ($i=0;$i<$rowcount;$i++)
echo "The title number $repcnt[$i] was written on $date[$i].";
webmaster at miningstocks dot com
01-Jun-2005 02:05
One way to use the list function with non-numerical keys is to use the array_values() function

= array ("value1" => "one", "value2" => "two");
list (
$value1, $value2) = array_values($array);
php at keithtyler dot com
13-May-2005 05:27
Note to perl programmers, this does NOT work like Perl's anonymous-list technique. It will discard any elements on the right hand side that do not have a corresponding recipient value on the left hand side.

In Perl, you can put an array at the end of the list, and it will pick up all remaining elements from the right hand of the assignment.


will result in $val1="a", $val2="b", and @others=("c","d","e").

This cannot seem to be done in PHP, even if you declare the array beforehand:


will result in $val1="a", $val2="b", and $others="c". Note also that $others is redefined as whatever type the right-hand side value was, and is no longer an Array.

This is in 4.3.11.
mortoray at ecircle-ag dot com
16-Feb-2005 05:29
There is no way to do reference assignment using the list function, therefore list assignment is will always be a copy assignment (which is of course not always what you want).

By example, and showing the workaround (which is to just not use list):

   function &pass_refs( &$a ) {
       return array( &$a );

   $a = 1;
   list( $b ) = pass_refs( $a ); //*
   $a = 2;
   print( "$b" ); //prints 1

   $ret = pass_refs( $a );
   $b =& $ret[0];
   $a = 3;
   print( "$b" ); //prints 3

*This is where some syntax like the following would be desired:
   list( &$b ) = pass_refs( $a );
or maybe:
   list( $b ) =& pass_refs( $a );
jennevdmeer at zonnet dot nl
21-Oct-2004 11:29
This is a function simulair to that of 'list' it lists an array with the 'key' as variable name and then those variables contain the value of the key in the array.
This is a bit easier then list in my opinion since you dont have to list up all variable names and it just names them as the key.

function lista($a) {
  foreach (
$a as $k => $v) {
$s = "global \$".$k;
$s = "\$".$k ." = \"". $v."\"";
15-Aug-2004 04:08
The list() construct can be used within other list() constructs (so that it can be used to extract the elements of multidimensional arrays):
= array(array(1,2),

$tl,$tr),list($bl,$br)) = $matrix;

"$tl $tr $bl $br";
Outputs "1 2 3 4".
jeronimo at DELETE_THIS dot transartmedia dot com
29-Jan-2004 11:28
If you want to swap values between variables without using an intermediary, try using the list() and array() language constructs. For instance:


// Initial values.
$biggest = 1;
$smallest = 10;

// Instead of using a temporary variable...
$temp = $biggest;
$biggest = $smallest;
$smallest = $temp;

// ...Just swap the values.
list($biggest, $smallest) = array($smallest, $biggest);


This works with any number of variables; you're not limited to just two.
rubein at earthlink dot net
29-Dec-2000 09:15
Note: If you have an array full of arrays, you can't use list() in conjunction to foreach() when traversing said array, e.g.

$someArray = array(
  array(1, "one"),
  array(2, "two"),
  array(3, "three")

foreach($somearray as list($num, $text)) { ... }

This, however will work

foreach($somearray as $subarray) {
  list($num, $text) = $subarray;