
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PECL)

java_last_exception_get -- Get last Java exception


object java_last_exception_get ( void )


本函数是实验性的。本函数的行为,包括函数名称以及其它任何关于本函数的文档可能会在没有通知的情况下随 PHP 以后的发布而改变。使用本函数风险自担。

The following example demonstrates the usage of Java's exception handler from within PHP:

例子 1. Java exception handler

= new Java('java.util.Stack');

// This should succeed
$result = $stack->pop();
$ex = java_last_exception_get();
if (!
$ex) {

// This should fail (error suppressed by @)
$result = @$stack->pop();
$ex = java_last_exception_get();
if (
$ex) {

// Clear last exception

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
molli at loria dot fr
25-Jul-2001 06:50
Just pay attention to the return value
of java_last_exception_get(), it's an
exception java object.

To use it just call normal operations on a exception java object:


@$myconnect->execute(); // @ to avoid warning...
$res=$exc->getMessage(); // method call on a exception object...
$exres="class nToxic.Connect:login failed";
$this->assert($res == $exres, "$res == $exres");