
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)

is_infinite -- 判断是否为无限值


bool is_infinite ( float val )

如果 val 为无穷大(正的或负的),例如 log(0) 的结果或者任何超出本平台的浮点数范围的值,则返回 TRUE

参见 is_finite()is_nan()

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21-Aug-2006 11:54
@ david,

That will return true for any string ending with "INF".
I think substr("$value",0,3) would be more appropriate.
31-Aug-2004 05:49
If you have PHP lower than 4.2 you can simulate the behaviour:

function is_infinite($value) {
   return (substr("$value",-3) == "INF");

(tested on php 4.1.2)