
(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0RC1)

inet_pton --  Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation


string inet_pton ( string address )

This function converts a human readable IPv4 or IPv6 address (if PHP was built with IPv6 support enabled) into an address family appropriate 32bit or 128bit binary structure.

例子 1. inet_pton() Example

= inet_pton('');

$in6_addr = inet_pton('::1');


注: 本函数未在 Windows 平台下实现。

See also ip2long(), inet_ntop(), and long2ip().

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me at diogoresende dot net
17-May-2006 05:34
If you want to use the above function you should test for ':' character before '.'. Meaning, you should check if it's an ipv6 address before checking for ipv4.
Why? IPv6 allows this type of notation:


If you check for '.' character you will think this is an ipv4 address and it will fail.
14-Dec-2005 04:01
If you need the functionality but your PHP version doesn't have the functionality (like on windows) the following might help

function inet_pton($ip)
# ipv4
if (strpos($ip, '.') !== FALSE) {
$ip = pack('N',ip2long($ip));
# ipv6
elseif (strpos($ip, ':') !== FALSE) {
$ip = explode(':', $ip);
$res = str_pad('', (4*(8-count($ip))), '0000', STR_PAD_LEFT);
       foreach (
$ip as $seg) {
$res .= str_pad($seg, 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$ip = pack('H'.strlen($res), $res);