
(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5)

imap_setacl --  Sets the ACL for a giving mailbox


bool imap_setacl ( resource stream_id, string mailbox, string id, string rights )



This function is currently only available to users of the c-client2000 or greater library.

See also imap_getacl().

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panayotis at yellownetroad dot com
07-Oct-2002 07:34
I noticed that using:
imap_setacl ($conn, $mbox, $userid, "")
will act like:
"deleteaclmailbox $mbox $userid"  (remove the ACL on mailbox for userid).
masneyb at seul dot org
28-Jun-2002 01:11
stream_id is the stream returned from imap_open
id is the user to give the rights to
rights is the rights to give to that user

So if I want to give user admin full access to my entire mailbox, I could run

imap_setacl ($conn, "user.masneyb", "admin", "lrswipcda")