
(PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5)

imap_mail_copy -- Copy specified messages to a mailbox


bool imap_mail_copy ( resource imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, int options] )

Copies mail messages specified by msglist to specified mailbox. 如果成功则返回 TRUE,失败则返回 FALSE。.

msglist is a range not just message numbers (as described in RFC2060).

options is a bitmask of one or more of

  • CP_UID - the sequence numbers contain UIDS

  • CP_MOVE - Delete the messages from the current mailbox after copying

See also imap_mail_move().

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
fongming at fonn dot fongming dot idv dot tw
29-Aug-2004 06:42
when you list your mailbox,you have to decode the mailbox name, use imap_utf7_decode();

for example:
$mbox=imap_open($ht,$my_user,$my_pass)or die("can't open mail ");
       foreach($mail_list as $k=>$v)
       echo imap_utf7_decode(str_replace("INBOX.","",$v_list[1]));
       echo "<BR>";
marcus at names dot co dot uk
09-Jul-2002 01:51
If you are having problems getting imap_mail_copy and imap_mail_move to work, check you have installed imap_devel (the imap development libraries) as well as imap (the imap daemon). Without it, PHP appears to configure correctly --with-imap, but some functions do not work.

It took me about 12 hours to figure this out!!
hxlvt at hotmail dot com
05-Jan-2001 08:37
After much fooling around, imap_mail_copy did work for me. One thing you might want to check, if you are having problems, is the new mailbox name. Make sure it is just a folder name, e.g. INBOX.haha without the server part.
ian at showstar dot com
21-Jan-2000 10:38
The syntax for the message list is defined in RFC2060<br>
It is a string, containing a list of message numbers and ranges, separated by commas (no spaces anywhere.) For example, "1,2,5,11:15,19" would be accepted by imap_mail_copy or imap_mail_move.<br>
A range of messages is defined as two message numbers separated by a colon (Ex. "1:10".) Also, a "*" may be used to refer to the last message in a mailbox. (Ex. "1:*" refers to all messages)<br>
Be careful not to use the same mailbox for source and destination, especially if you expunge the mailbox immediately afterwards; the message will be copied (back over itself), flagged as deleted (by the imap_mail_move function), and then expunged.<br><br>
The following code will move the messages in the $msg_no[] array from the folder in $mbox_name to the folder in $newmbox_name: ($mbox is an already-opened imap stream)<br>
<pre>if ($mbox_name != $newmbox_name) {
  $messageset = implode (",",$msg_no);