
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)

imagelayereffect -- 设定 alpha 混色标志以使用绑定的 libgd 分层效果


bool imagelayereffect ( resource image, int effect )



注: 本函数仅在 PHP 与其捆绑的 GD 库一起编译时可用。

注: 本函数需要 GD 2.0.1 或更高版本。

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php dot net at quickzone dot cx
24-May-2005 07:21
I'm looking for a sample of this code in use.
06-Feb-2005 08:36
I assume, that the specific effects are similiar to those used in Adobe Photoshop for blending layers.
There might be things like IMG_EFFECT_MULTIPLY resulting of that.
ttoohey at php dot net
31-Oct-2004 01:33
This function is similar to the existing ImageAlphaBlending() function in that it affects the way pixel drawing will be done during any kind of drawing function. It extends the functionality by allowing you to use one of the effect modes (listed below).

"effect" takes one of the values:

Use pixel replacement (equivalent of ImageAlphaBlending(FALSE))

Use normal pixel blending (equivalent of ImageAlphaBlending(TRUE))

   Use the overlay routine. Overlay has the effect that black background pixels will remain black, white background pixels will remain white, but grey background pixels will take the colour of the foreground pixel.
25-Sep-2004 12:12
I need the sample for this function