
(PHP 3 >= 3.0.16, PHP 4, PHP 5)

imagecreatefromjpeg -- 从 JPEG 文件或 URL 新建一图像


resource imagecreatefromjpeg ( string filename )

imagecreatefromjpeg() 返回一图像标识符,代表了从给定的文件名取得的图像。

imagecreatefromjpeg() 在失败时返回一个空字符串,并且输出一条错误信息,不幸地在浏览器中显示为断链接。为减轻调试工作下面的例子会产生一个错误 JPEG

例子 1. 处理创建过程中的错误

function LoadJpeg($imgname)
$im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($imgname); /* Attempt to open */
if(!$im) { /* See if it failed */
$im  = imagecreatruecolor(150, 30); /* Create a blank image */
$bgc = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$tc  = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
imagefilledrectangle($im, 0, 0, 150, 30, $bgc);
/* Output an errmsg */
imagestring($im, 1, 5, 5, "Error loading $imgname", $tc);

注: JPEG 支持仅在 PHP 与 GD-1.8 或更高版本一起编译时可用。

提示: 如果“fopen wrappers”已经被激活,则在本函数中可以把 URL 作为文件名来使用。请参阅 fopen() 函数来获取怎样指定文件名的详细信息以及支持 URL 封装协议的列表:附录 L


Windows 版本的 PHP 在 4.3.0 版之前不支持本函数的远程文件访问,即使 allow_url_fopen 选项已被激活。

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
hvozda at ack dot org
31-Oct-2006 07:42
If imagecreatefromjpeg() fails with "PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function:  imagecreatefromjpeg()", it does NOT necessarily mean that you don't have GD installed.

If phpinfo() shows GD, but not JPEG support, then that's the problem.  You would think that --with-gd would do the right thing since it does check for the existance of libjpeg (and finds it) and add that feature to GD, but it doesn't in v4.4.4 at least on RHEL v2.1, RHEL v3, CentOS v2.1 or CentOS v4.3.

On those platforms, it's *important* that --with-jpeg-dir be *before* --with-gd.  If it's not, GD won't build with jpeg support as if --with-jpeg-dir had never been specified...
info at daleconsulting dot com dot au
29-Aug-2006 09:34
In a post by Angel Leon, an example script was given that forms a thumbnail gallery using imagecreatefromjpeg.  I am fairly new to php scripts, but I found that the script did not display the table of thumbnail images if the row wasn't "filled" with images.. i.e. if there were 5 images in the folder and the script specified 3 rows in the table, then the page would only display the thumbnails for the first row and only three images were shown.  I found that if you specified the variable row with this equation, then the table would display properly:

$row = intval(count($files)+($row_size-1));

(This is the first line in the createThumbTable function.)
kapishonas at yahoo dot com
11-Jul-2006 07:56
script for nokia photos which end with FF D9 and still imagecreatefromjpeg() returns error.


( 32 );
header( 'Content-Type: image/jpeg' );

$imgPath = 'att.jpg';

// Atdod atpaka GD_ImageResource
function imageCreateFromJpegEx($file)
$data = file_get_contents($file);
$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
$i = 0;
   while (!
$data = substr_replace($data, "", -3, -2);
$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);

$im = imageCreateFromJpegEx($imgPath);
imagejpeg( $im );


script by Delfins in latvian php forums
06-Jun-2006 01:42
regarding e dot a dot schultz at gmail dot com post

i tried the script (with the bugfixes posted later) and still got memorytrouble. most often it is still not enough memory to upload big images, even if it seems to calculate right. so this helped my perfectly:

$newLimit = $newLimit+3000000; (before passing it to the ini_set() function).

extremly simple and maybe not the best solution, but it works for now (you sure can give it less than an additional 3mb, just try what works for you).
ben dot lancaster at design-ontap dot co dot uk
24-May-2006 08:21
It is worth noting that all of the imagecreate* functions quite intentionally do not look in the include_path
anatol at nugob dot org
05-May-2006 01:59
When working with uploaded jpeg files it is usually a good idea to execute a little but very useful program called jhead
( ).

This will clean up unnecessary jpeg header information which can cause trouble. Some cameras or applications write binary data into the headers which may result in ugly results such as strange colors when you resample the image later on.

("/path/to/jhead -purejpg /path/to/image");
// for example when you uploaded a file through a form, do this before you proceed:
exec("/path/to/jhead -purejpg ".$file['tmp_name']);

I didn't have the chance to test this but I guess this might even solve the problem caused by images that were taken with Canon PowerShot cameras which crash PHP.

This is from the jhead documentation: "-purejpg: Delete all JPEG sections that aren't necessary for rendering the image. Strips any metadata that various applications may have left in the image."

jhead got some other useful options as well...
webmaster at killer dot com dot ar
26-Apr-2006 04:16
The prior script by "e dot a dot schultz at gmail dot com", have a bug

$memoryLimitMB don't have a value

         $memoryLimitMB = 8;
         $memoryLimit = 8 * $MB;
And change that line for:
         $memoryLimit = $memoryLimitMB * $MB;


Something similar happens with the script by "JohnBrook at pobox dot com"

$memoryLimit don't have a value


$memoryLimit = $memoryLimit * $MB;

  $memoryLimit = $memoryLimitMB * $MB;
e dot a dot schultz at gmail dot com
09-Apr-2006 07:35
In John's human readable code version of Karolis code to dynimicly allocate need memory there are a few bugs. If you didn't compile with the "--enable-memory-limit" option, this script will error with a level E_ERROR. Bellow is a fixed version rapped as a function. To view replacement functions for memory_get_usage() look at

function setMemoryForImage( $filename ){
$imageInfo = getimagesize($filename);
$MB = 1048576// number of bytes in 1M
$K64 = 65536;    // number of bytes in 64K
$TWEAKFACTOR = 1.5// Or whatever works for you
$memoryNeeded = round( ( $imageInfo[0] * $imageInfo[1]
$imageInfo['channels'] / 8
+ $K64
//ini_get('memory_limit') only works if compiled with "--enable-memory-limit" also
   //Default memory limit is 8MB so well stick with that.
   //To find out what yours is, view your php.ini file.
$memoryLimit = 8 * $MB;
   if (
function_exists('memory_get_usage') &&
memory_get_usage() + $memoryNeeded > $memoryLimit)
$newLimit = $memoryLimitMB + ceil( ( memory_get_usage()
- $memoryLimit
) / $MB
ini_set( 'memory_limit', $newLimit . 'M' );
Christoph Ziegenberg
14-Mar-2006 05:26
Matt reported that PHP crashs using imagecreatefromjpeg() - that's true and it took me a lot of time to find the error - but not only the Canon PowerShot S70, also the Canon PowerShot  A400 lets PHP (5.1.2) crash, without any chance to catch it!

So I exclude all Canon PowerShot images with the following check:

   function check_canonpowershot($filename)
       if (strpos(file_get_contents($filename), 'Canon PowerShot') !== false)
           return true;
       return false;
JohnBrook at pobox dot com
10-Feb-2006 11:14
Also, here is the same formula presented in a somewhat more human-readable way, if you'd rather:

= Pow(1024,2);  // number of bytes in 1M
$K64 = Pow(2,16);    // number of bytes in 64K
$TWEAKFACTOR = 1.8// Or whatever works for you
$memoryNeeded = round( ( $imageInfo[0] * $imageInfo[1]
$imageInfo['channels'] / 8
+ $K64
$memoryHave = memory_get_usage();
$memoryLimitMB = (integer) ini_get('memory_limit');
$memoryLimit = $memoryLimit * $MB;

if (
$memoryHave + $memoryNeeded > $memoryLimit
) {
$newLimit = $memoryLimitMB + ceil( ( $memoryHave
+ $memoryNeeded
- $memoryLimit
) / $MB
ini_set( 'memory_limit', $newLimit . 'M' );
JohnBrook at pobox dot com
10-Feb-2006 10:51
Additional note on allocating memory: The 1.65 in the formula provided below by yaroukh and Karolis is evidently a "fudge factor" arrived at through experimentation. I found that I had to nudge it up a little bit in order to accurately predict the memory that would be needed, otherwise the allocation still failed. In my case, I went right to 1.8 and that has worked so far. Your mileage may vary, so experiment as needed.
yaroukh at gmail dot com
09-Feb-2006 08:29
Hello Karolis

My solution was intended to solve situations when your webhoster puts a limit on the memory usage; in such a situations ini_set doesn't work ofcourse (even for variables that have 'PHP_INI_ALL' flag in a typical PHP-installation).

Have a nice day
Karolis Tamutis
31-Dec-2005 09:04
In addition to yaroukh at gmail dot com comment.

It seems that even a small image can eat up your default memory limit real quick. Config value 'memory_limit' is marked PHP_INI_ALL, so you can change it dynamically using ini_set. Therefore, we can "allocate memory dynamically", to prevent those memory limit exceeded errors.


= getimagesize('PATH/TO/YOUR/IMAGE');
$memoryNeeded = round(($imageInfo[0] * $imageInfo[1] * $imageInfo['bits'] * $imageInfo['channels'] / 8 + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.65);
if (
function_exists('memory_get_usage') && memory_get_usage() + $memoryNeeded > (integer) ini_get('memory_limit') * pow(1024, 2)) {
ini_set('memory_limit', (integer) ini_get('memory_limit') + ceil(((memory_get_usage() + $memoryNeeded) - (integer) ini_get('memory_limit') * pow(1024, 2)) / pow(1024, 2)) . 'M');

Matt with
14-Sep-2005 03:10
In running 4.3. Found out that jpegs generated by Canon PowerShot S70's cause imagecreatefromjpeg() to crash PHP [page cannot be displayed]. Made this function to check for it:
function check_s70($filename) {
$thereturn = false;
$handle = fopen($filename, "r");
$contents = fread($handle, 159);
       if (
substr($contents, 156, 3) == "S70") {
$thereturn = true;
yaroukh at gmail dot com
21-Aug-2005 07:15
Estimated memory needed for ImageCreateFromJPEG

First I supposed simple width*height*bpp will be enough, it isn't though; there is some pretty big overhead.

$imageInfo = GetImageSize($imageFilename);
$memoryNeeded = Round(($imageInfo[0] * $imageInfo[1] * $imageInfo['bits'] * $imageInfo['channels'] / 8 + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.65);

With memory_limit enabled running out of memory causes script to crash; above written will tel you how much memory you're gonna need for creating an image-resource out of image-file. So in conjunction with Memory_Get_Usage() and Get_CFG_Var('memory_limit') you can avoid the mentioned ending. (Yet there won't be too many images blocked from processing that would still fit in the memory, as the results of this are pretty accurate.)
rich at launchcode dot co dot uk
02-Aug-2005 09:54
If you get this error: "Warning: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error" then check the JPEG files. If they are saved in CMYK format (instead of RGB) then GD will fail to load them (tested with GD 2.0.12)
elyoukey at hotmail dot com
02-Aug-2005 03:31
here is a code, inspired by the button of
tl at comvironment dot com

but here, you can make as many buttons as you need by cutting the image in as many parts as defined in the table

class Button_Array{
$tab_button = array();// the text of each button you want to create
var $im;//the image file
function Button_Array($fileName, $tab_string){
$this -> tab_button = $tab_string;
$this -> im = $fileName;
$font  = 10;

//cut the full image in X parts
       //X = the number of buttons you want
$imgFull=ImageCreateFromJPEG($this -> im);
$width, $heightFull, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($this -> im);
$height = round($heightFull/sizeof($this->tab_button),0);

       for (
$i=0;$i<sizeof($this->tab_button);$i++ ) {

$textColor = imagecolorallocate ($imgParts[$i],0,20,90);   
ImageString ($imgParts[$i],$font,200,10,$this->tab_button[$i],$textColor);
//cration du fichier
ImageJPEG($imgParts[$i] , $this->tab_button[$i].'.jpg',85);

$tab[]="more topics";

$tabButton=new Button_Array("a.jpg",$tab);

"<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
foreach (
$tab as $source) {
"<tr><td><img src='$source.jpg'></td></tr>";

miczimbett at gmail dot com
31-Jul-2005 08:30
the check_jpeg function listed above has a small "bug" when u set $fix=true... after the fix, the function does not close the file... and the imagecreatefromjpeg would still crash on an open file.

   //# [070203]
   //# check for jpeg file header and footer - also try to fix it
   function check_jpeg($f, $fix=false ){
       if ( false !== (@$fd = fopen($f, 'r+b' )) ){
           if (fread($fd,2)==chr(255).chr(216) ){
               fseek ( $fd, -2, SEEK_END );
               if ( fread($fd,2)==chr(255).chr(217) ){
                   return true;
                   if ($fix && fwrite($fd,chr(255).chr(217)) ){
                       return true;
                   return false;
           } else {
               return false;
       } else {
           return false;
linus at flowingcreativity dot net
30-May-2005 12:20
I am using PHP 4.3.8 and GD 2.0.23-compatible, and this function does not return an empty string on failure as stated. This line:

(imagecreatefromjpeg('bogus filename'));



Of course this doesn't matter unless you're using a strict comparison operator to evaluate the result, but I thought I'd point it out.
14-Apr-2005 10:14
Under some configurations imagecreatefromjpeg will create files that are owned by the webserver rather than the php user. For example, php may be run as phpuser and the image will be created under apache.

This can lead to permissions problems - only a +0777 will be enough to be able to create a picture.

My solution was to chmod over ftp to 0777 just before the picture is written then change back to 0755 when the image has been created.

The alternative of course would be to have a properly configured system...
Angel Leon
31-Mar-2005 10:13
This is a very useful script when you have hundreds of images and you need a quick setup for a thumbnail, where you can select how many
pictures per row, size of the thumbnail, and the size of the pictures when clicked, all in one script. Just throw all your images and this script in a file named index.php or index.html (if your apache httpd.conf defaults to html and runs .html as php).

Script also contains simple text watermarking. See function thumbImage()
and modify to add image watermarking if you like.

// 30 Minutes Thumbnail script written by Angel Leon from
// Licensed under the GPL
// Courtesy of

//copy this script wherever you have a bunch of .jpgs
// Invoke your thumbnail like this
//where index.php is this script.

//Modify and redistribute but don't remove our trademark.
//configure script here

//pictures per row
$row_size = 3;

//height of the pictures in thumbnail
$thumb_height = 200;

//height of the pictures when clicked (to save bandwidth)

//short name of your site
$waterMark = "";

$dh = opendir(".");
$files = array();
while ((
$file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
  if (
ereg("jpg",$file) || ereg("gif",$file) || ereg("png",$file)) {
$files[] = $file;

if (
$show_image) {
} else if (
$thumb_image) {
else {
"<center>" . createThumbTable($files,$row_size) . "</center>";

createThumbTable($files,$pics_wide) {
$row = intval(count($files)/$pics_wide);
$picIndex = 0;

$rs = "Mostrando " . count($files) . " imagenes<br>";
$rs .= "<table border=0 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 style='border:1px solid black'>\n";
  for (
$i=0; $i <$row; $i++) {
$rs .= "\t<tr>\n";
   for (
$j < $pics_wide && $picIndex < count($files);
$j++,$picIndex++) {
$rs .= "\t\t<td><a href=index.php?show_image=" .
$files[$picIndex] . ">" .
"<img src=index.php?thumb_image=" .
$files[$picIndex] . " border=0 title='Copyright'></a></td>\n";
//$rs .= "<td>i=$i / $j=$picIndex</td>";
$rs .= "\t</tr>\n";
$rs .= "<tr><td colspan=$pics_wide align=center>Free Thumbnail script by <a href=></a><br>Written by Angel Leon (March 2005)</td></tr></table>\n";


function thumbImage($file,$img_height,$waterMark) {

$img_temp = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);

$black = @imagecolorallocate ($img_temp, 0, 0, 0);
$white = @imagecolorallocate ($img_temp, 255, 255, 255);
$font = 2;


imagesx ($img_temp),

$originx = imagesx($img_thumb) - 100;
$originy = imagesy($img_thumb) - 15;

imagestring ($img_thumb, $font, $originx + 10, $originy,
$waterMark, $black);
imagestring ($img_thumb, $font, $originx + 11, $originy - 1,
$waterMark, $white);

header ("Content-type: image/jpeg");
imagejpeg($img_thumb, "", 60);
imagedestroy ($img_thumb);

dmf four one fiive at yahoo dot com
03-Mar-2005 08:08
Another thing to note, is the file not might actually be a jpeg , even though the filename ends in .jpg. If this is the case the command won't work. You will need imagecreatefromgif()

The easiest way to check is to use your favorite editor like vi.

On Line one it will tell you if its a gif or a jpg..

I took a quick look at a few image files. the gifs say GIF87a and the real jpegs should say JFIF or something like that.
ceefour -at!-
25-Feb-2005 06:24
I have to say recompiling PHP from the sources and enabling JPEG support in gd took me awhile to figure out.

Somewhere especially configure --help should have stated that --with-jpeg-dir is MANDATORY if you want to have JPEG support. And even if you did so, it doesn't mean you'll get it. If it's wrongly configured, no error is going to be output, all you get is "no JPEG support". What's more confusing is when JPEG support is disabled phpinfo won't say "JPEG Support: disabled", but just omit the entry so you won't even realize something is wrong.

If you recompile PHP or gd, make sure:
- rm -f config.cache FIRST
- make clean (this helps A LOT), actually you can just delete modules/gd.*, and every *.o in ext/gd. this part actually gave me the best headache
- ./configure --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib OR any other directory which contains the BINARY library of libjpeg
- make, make install

phpinfo should now display jpeg support... good luck.
(you lucky guys who already have PHP 5 installed on your server... you don't have to go through all the mess I had)
tl at comvironment dot com
25-Feb-2005 05:53
I made a script to produce, save, and use dynamic buttons simultaneously. If the file exists, it will be shown as usual. If not, this script produces a new image and saves it. You only need the background (back.jpg). Maybe it is useful for somone.


class Button {

$ib = 'back.jpg';

Button ($fileName, $string) {
$this -> im = $fileName;
file_exists($this -> im)) {
$this -> _createButton($string);
getFileName() {
$this -> im;
_createButton($string) {
$font  = 4;
$width  = max(400,(ImageFontWidth($font) * strlen($string)) + 4);
$height = max(20,(ImageFontHeight($font) + 4));
$imgBack=ImageCreateFromJPEG($this -> ib);
$textColor = imagecolorallocate ($imgText,90,90,90);
ImageString ($imgText,$font,2,2,$string,$textColor);
ImageJPEG($imgText,$this -> im,85);
chmod ($this -> im,0644);


$button = new Button('button.jpg','button text');
'<img src="' . $button -> getFileName() . '">';

cs at kainaw dot com
02-Nov-2004 03:09
The ImageCreateFromJPEG() function is capable of throwing an emalloc() error.  If this happens, the script will die, but the error will be in your error logs.  You should ensure that you have memory available before creating a large image from a jpeg file.
webmaster at kautto dot se
25-Oct-2004 06:48
Concerning the path discussion. A relative path works just fine, if it is used properly. The thing is just to keep track of where in the file system you actually are calling the function from.

E.g. including file A into file B, and then executing file A. Now calls made in file B will act as if they actually are made file A, due to the inclusion. So a well designed filesystem is very important. Also moving a file might lead to this type of path related problems.

Hope this made any sence! :)
22-Oct-2004 06:36
I have noticed that Nokia's old camera-phones create non-standard JPEG's.

Nokias' JPEG doesn't end with 0xFFD9. Add 0xFFD9 end of file and image works fine with imagecreatefromjpeg(). Willertan1980 already sent code to do that.
16-Jul-2004 07:46
This function DOES accept paths in the filename, just make sure they're absolute paths.  A relative path won't work, at least it didn't for me. This is in response to jonlup's comment from june 25:

"I played with "imagecreatefromjpeg()" function and, after a few tests, I found that the filename that it requires as parameter should be only a simple filename: the function does not work if in the string of the filename is specified a path to that file."
30-Jun-2004 07:55
here is my clear method to resize images
you can check how it works on

=100;    // maximum width
$maxy=75;    // maximum height

$name=strtolower(substr($_FILES['file']['name'],0,-4)).".jpg"// name of file - must be jpg
$size = GetImageSize ($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);        // params of image

if ($size[0]>$size[1]) {$sizemin[0]=$maxx;$sizemin[1]=$maxy;};
   if (
$size[1]>$size[0]) {$sizemin[0]=$maxy;$sizemin[1]=$maxx;};
$im=@imagecreatefromjpeg($path);                // path to your gallery
$small = imagecreatetruecolor($sizemin[0], $sizemin[1]);    // new image
ImageCopyResampled($small, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $sizemin[0], $sizemin[1], $size[0], $size[1]);
// below is main function resampling image

ImageDestroy($im);                        // free memory

if (ImageJPEG($small,$path,100))                // try to save image
"File $path has been written<br>\n";            // success
echo "size: ".$sizemin[0]."x".$sizemin[1] ."<br>\n";
"<font color=red><b>";                    // failed to write file
echo "Error ! File has not been written.";

jonlup at yahoo dot com
26-Jun-2004 10:04
I played with "imagecreatefromjpeg()" function and, after a few tests, I found that the filename that it requires as parameter should be only a simple filename: the function does not work if in the string of the filename is specified a path to that file.
The quickest workaround found: do a chdir() to the directory of your image file before try to use "imagecreatefromjpeg()" with your file as parameter.
I did not test the other functions (imagecreatefromgd2(), imagecreatefromgd(), imagecreatefromgif() etc.), but I suppose that they work in the same way.
I think that little trick should be specified in the manual.
Javier Rayon
26-May-2004 02:55
Using imagecreate() combined with imagecreatefromjpeg() in PHP 4.3.0 and up creates wrong color jpeg's.

Use imagecreatetruecolor() instead of imagecreate() for right color images.
08-Apr-2004 09:02
small script that calculates square (in %) of eche color on the PNG image.

$im1=ImageCreatefrompng('1.png'); //name of the png file
echo "<img src=1.png>";
   for (
$i=0; $i<$widthIm; $i++){
   for (
$j=0; $j<$heightIm; $j++){
"<br><br>$widthIm x $heightIm ($total pixels).";
" Number of colors in pallette - $cvcol<br><br>
"<table width=400 border =1>";
for (
$k=0; $k<$cvcol; $k++) {
$proc=round($num[$k]/$total*100, 2);
$Palitra =ImageColorsForIndex($im1,$k);
$Palitra[red]= dechex($Palitra[red]);
$Palitra[green]= dechex($Palitra[green]);
$Palitra[blue]= dechex($Palitra[blue]);
"<tr><td>$k</td><td width=100>$Palitra[red]-$Palitra[green]-$Palitra[blue]</td>";
"<td width=100>$proc %</td>";
"<td width=100 bgcolor=$Palitra[red],$Palitra";
"<br>Time past: $t2 sec";
jdolecek at NetBSD dot org
24-Feb-2004 08:16
ImageCreateFromJPEG() as of GD 2.0.15 (as bundled with PHP 4.3.4) doesn't handle 4-channel (with alpha channel) JPG images well, the function fails and emits message 'Unsupported color conversion request' to stderr. The solution I found for this is to use NetPBM tools - 'jpegtopnm < orig.jpg | pnmtojpeg > new.jpg' creates a JPG image PHP GD library can open just fine.
willertan1980 at yahoo dot com
20-Aug-2003 07:14
did you found that sometimes it hang the php when imagecreatefromjpeg() run on bad JPEG. I found that this is cause by the JPEG file U used dont have EOI (end of image)
the FF D9 at the end of your JPEG

JPEG image should start with 0xFFD8 and end with 0xFFD9

// this may help to fix the error
function check_jpeg($f, $fix=false ){
# [070203]
# check for jpeg file header and footer - also try to fix it
   if ( false !== (@$fd = fopen($f, 'r+b' )) ){
       if ( fread($fd,2)==chr(255).chr(216) ){
           fseek ( $fd, -2, SEEK_END );
           if ( fread($fd,2)==chr(255).chr(217) ){
               return true;
               if ( $fix && fwrite($fd,chr(255).chr(217)) ){return true;}
               return false;
       }else{fclose($fd); return false;}
       return false;
office at 4point-webdesign dot com
09-Jul-2003 03:47
Here's the answer for your 256 color only problem!!!
use these functions in order then it works fine!

imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20, 20);
imagejpeg($img_dst, $g_dstfile, 100);

Greetz, GTB
lordneon at deskmod dot com
24-Jun-2003 05:00
For Windows users who wants to enable the GD libary:

It took me some while to figure this out, but in the end it worked (and still does) great.

1. First download the latest (stable recommended) version of php
2. Unzip to f.ex c:\php\

3. Now you should have a file in c:\php\ that's named php.ini.dist (or something like that). Rename that to php.ini and copy it to the root of you Windows directory.

4. Open the php.ini file (the easiers way is to open the run promnt at your start menu and just type php.ini and hit enter).

5. Search (ctrl+f) for extension_dir. The default value is set to "./", make it to "./extensions"

6. Now you need to find where in the php.ini the modules for Windows is located. Search for gd.

7. Remove the ; char infront of this line: extension=php_gd2.dll

8. Try make a php script with some image functions and see if it works. F.ex $im = imageCreate("test.jpg");
If you get a message that says something like imageCreate function doesn't exist the gd libary is not loaded.

9. That's all. Have fun using GD in Windows :)
atapi103 at hotmail dot com
01-Jun-2003 04:14
As jpsy sugested Windows users can download the zip to get the gd2_dll extension


If you already installed with the windows installer and are too lazy to get the zip you can go here

Download the php_gd2.dll file put it wherever you want, and change the


Wherever you saved the dll to is the path you put in, remember to uncomment


Do not uncomment the one above for gd.dll (the one without the 2)
tom at ierna dot com
01-Feb-2003 07:37
Doing a "make clean", regardless of which platform you're on (including MacOS X) should clean up the source tree enough to ensure that config changes take effect...
tuxedobob at mac dot com
16-Jan-2003 02:27
Note for PHP 4.3 under Mac OS X 10.2.3:

I originally compiled using only --with-mysql --with-apxs. When this compiled correctly (for a change; previous versions didn't), I then tried adding --with-gd --with-jpg-dir and a bunch of other goodies, but they didn't add in. Apparently removing config.cache isn't sufficient. My advice is to simply delete the entire folder, and try your new configure command on a clean untarred source folder.
bpiere21 at hotmail dot com
30-Jun-2002 09:57
###--- imagecreatefromjpeg only opens JPEG files from your disk.
###--- To load JPEG images from a URL, use the function below.

function LoadJPEG ($imgURL) {

   ##-- Get Image file from Port 80 --##
   $fp = fopen($imgURL, "r");
   $imageFile = fread ($fp, 3000000);

   ##-- Create a temporary file on disk --##
   $tmpfname = tempnam ("/temp", "IMG");

   ##-- Put image data into the temp file --##
   $fp = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
   fwrite($fp, $imageFile);

   ##-- Load Image from Disk with GD library --##
   $im = imagecreatefromjpeg ($tmpfname);

   ##-- Delete Temporary File --##

   ##-- Check for errors --##
   if (!$im) {
       print "Could not create JPEG image $imgURL";

   return $im;

$imageData = LoadJPEG("");

Header( "Content-Type: image/jpeg");

imagejpeg($imageData, '', 100);
1 at chatways dot com
08-Feb-2002 03:04
imagecreatefromjpeg doesn't seem to support cmyk-jpgs :-(
mihkel at raba dot ee
06-Jan-2002 05:00
[Ed Note: You must have netpbm installed for this to work --alindeman @]

Just wanted to let you know that
imagecreatefromjpeg crashes php
(command line at least) sometimes with segmentation fault when jpeg is corrupted.
To get rid of the nasty segmentation fault i used
system ("jpegtopnm f.jpg > f.pnm", $r);
if ($r != 0) {printf ("invalid jpeg\n"); return; }
system ("pnmtopng f.pnm > f.png");
$im =imagecreatefrompng ("f.png");
jason_wilk at hotmail dot com
02-Oct-2001 01:16
Wow, it only took me 3 hours to get all of the lib paths correct for my install. Some of them are /usr, and some are /usr/lib...go figure. I figured that I would post this in the hopes that it will save somebody some time.

Remember that if you're using rpm have to install the devel packages. For example, if you're installing mysql from rpm, and you want to compile with support for your particular MySql dist, you must install mysql-devel*.rpm.

Anyway, I'm a redhat 7.1 install...with all appropriate devel packages installed.

./configure \
--with-mysql=/usr \
--with-ftp \
--with-apxs=/home/www/bin/apxs \
--with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6 \
--with-gdbm=/usr/lib \
--with-gd=/usr \
--with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/lib \
--with-png-dir=/usr/lib \
--with-tiff-dir=/usr/lib \
--with-config-file-path=/home/www/conf \
--with-freetype-dir=/usr/lib \
--enable-magic-quotes \
paul at rainbowzone dot com
29-Aug-2001 03:21
GD no longer supports the GIF format due to legal issues with Unisys (they own the patent for LZW compression used in GIF). See the documentation for GD for more details:
brett_no_spam at dolphyn dot com
02-Jul-2001 09:56
In the new versions (PHP 4.0.6, GD 2.0.1), ImageCreateFromJPEG() results in a TRUE COLOR image.

In the older versions, you only get 256 colors.
dmsales at design-monster dot com
28-Jun-2001 01:17
I just wanted to note here something i found else where that was very helpful to me when using jpeg images.  when using imagecreatefromjpeg()  it can be difficult to allocate new colors. 

The work around i found was posted under imagecolorallocate() and prescribes that you first use imagecreate(), allocate colors, and then copy the jpeg into this image.
infoNOSPAM at psnetworks dot net
09-Apr-2001 12:33
For those having trouble getting jpeg support using gd, make sure you
rm config.cache
before reconfiguring php. Otherwise the configure script will assume jpeg support is still not compiled into gd.
mboucher at ampmedia dot net
20-Feb-2001 08:00
In response to my own post:

Maybe this is common knowledge but here is how I solved my problem. Hopefully this will help out seeing how I couldn't find any other articles on this topic with a solution.

This seems to work pretty well. Displays in browser and QT Picture Viewer but for some reason Photoshop won't open it. Translation error. Since I'm just using it to cache the image for when the our content provider goes down no biggie there.

$si = fopen($imagePathURL, "r");  // open URL
   $serverImg = fread($si, 1000000);  // read contents
fclose($si);  // close file

/* open file to save to (w+ creates if file does not exist || b opens binary safe [Win32]) Seemed to work fine with out the 'b' on Windows NT but just to be safe. */

$si = fopen($saveImgTo, "w+b");
   fwrite($si, $serverImg);  // write contents to file
fclose($si);  // close file

Hope this helps somebody...long live PHP
support at corbach dot de
22-Dec-2000 07:46
Wonder why that's just the only image function you can't get to work? Remember that you have to use a gd library that supports JPEG (make it manually and <important>edit the makefile</important>)! Especially all gd RPMs from SuSE (including 7.0) don't support it as it's not default up to gd 1.8.3.
timpie2000 at zeelandnet dot nl
23-Sep-2000 08:52
Be sure to allocate your colors AFTER you used this function or else you might get some strange colors..
rodders_plonker at yahoo dot com
21-Jul-2000 11:49
To all those having trouble with a message to the effect of:<br>
CreateImageFromJpeg() not supported in this PHP build<br>
Start by adding --with-jpeg-dir to your ./configure options as I left this out (not knowing I needed it) and I spent the best part of 6 hours trying to compile to get this option. (RH 6.2, PHP 4.0.1pl2, Apache 1.3.12, GD 1.8.3)