
(PHP 4, PHP 5)

getcwd -- 取得当前工作目录


string getcwd ( void )



成功则返回当前工作目录,失败返回 FALSE

在某些 Unix 的变种下,如果任何父目录没有设定可读或搜索模式,即使当前目录设定了,getcwd() 还是会返回 FALSE。有关模式与权限的更多信息见 chmod()


例子 1. getcwd() 例子


// current directory
echo getcwd() . "\n";


// current directory
echo getcwd() . "\n";




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mark dot phpnetspam at mhudson dot net
04-Nov-2006 05:42
This function is often used in conjuction with basename(), i.e.
hodgman at ali dot com dot au
07-Sep-2006 10:58
I use this code to replicate the pushd and popd DOS commands in PHP:

= array();
pushd( $dir )
array_push( $g_DirStack, getcwd() );
chdir( $dir );
popd( )
$dir = array_pop( $g_DirStack );
assert( $dir !== null );
chdir( $dir );

This allows you to change the current directory with pushd, then use popd to "undo" the directory change when you're done.
emailfire at gmail dot com
08-Dec-2005 10:57
To get the username of the account:

= getcwd();
$part = explode('/', $dir);
$username = $part[1];

If current directory is '/home/mike/public_html/' it would return mike.
memandeemail at gmail dot com
07-Dec-2005 07:48
Some server's has security options to block the getcwd()

Alternate option:

marcus at synchromedia dot co dot uk
04-May-2005 11:41
"On some Unix variants, getcwd() will return FALSE if any one of the parent directories does not have the readable or search mode set, even if the current directory does."

Just so you know, MacOS X is one of these variants (at least 10.4 is for me). You can make it work by applying 'chmod a+rx' to all folders from your site folder upwards.
vermicin at antispam dot gmail dot com
27-Jan-2005 07:48
If your PHP cli binary is built as a cgi binary (check with php_sapi_name), the cwd functions differently than you might expect.

say you have a script /usr/local/bin/purge
you are in /home/username

php CLI: getcwd() gives you /home/username
php CGI: getcwd() gives you /usr/local/bin

This can trip you up if you're writing command line scripts with php. You can override the CGI behavior by adding -C to the php call:

#!/usr/local/bin/php -Cq

and then getcwd() behaves as it does in the CLI-compiled version.
manux at manux dot org
22-Jun-2004 12:44
watch out:
working directory, and thus:
getcwd ()
is "/" while being into a register'ed shutdown function!!!
dave at corecomm dot us
11-Dec-2003 02:14
getcwd() returns the path of the "main" script referenced in the URL.

dirname(__FILE__) will return the path of the script currently executing.

I had written a script that required several class definition scripts from the same directory. It retrieved them based on filename matches and used getcwd to figure out where they were.

Didn't work so well when I needed to call that first script from a new file in a different directory.
fvu at wanadoo dot nl
24-Nov-2003 09:50
Make sure to lowercase the result before comparing Windows paths, because this function returns ambiguous results on Windows.  From within Apache, the returned path is lowercase, while from the command line interface (CLI) the returned path uses the 'real' Windows pathname.  For example, running the 'print getcwd();' command from 'C:\Program Files' returns either

   c:\program files  (Apache)
   C:\Program Files  (CLI)

When the directory is specified using chdir(), getcwd() uses the exact chdir argument.  For example:

   <?php chdir('C:\\PrOgRaM fIlEs'); print getcwd(); ?>


   C:\PrOgRaM fIlEs  (Apache & CLI)

The following code can be used to return a unambiguous lowercased cwd when running on Windows:

   <?php $sCwd = (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') ? strtolower(getcwd()) : getcwd(); ?>
raja at rajashahed dot com
07-Nov-2003 02:21
This is  current working directory. X example, your document root is c:\Inetpub\www\htdocs. When You need to know what is your doc_root; /* Like ask yourself  your name ;)*/

$_cur_dir = getcwd();
echo "My doc_root is  $_cur_dir ";
// it prints out : My doc_root is c:\Inetpub\www\htdocs

/* Usually you need it after using  chdir() to know what is
running in current directory */