
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)

get_include_path --  Gets the current include_path configuration option


string get_include_path ( void )

Gets the current include_path configuration option value.

例子 1. get_include_path() example

// Works as of PHP 4.3.0
echo get_include_path();

// Works in all PHP versions
echo ini_get('include_path');

See also ini_get(), restore_include_path(), set_include_path(), and include().

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
23-Jan-2005 08:51
In case you would like to have all include path elements in form of an array use the following code  (PATH_SEPARATOR is PHP's constand and it's crucial to avoid problems with different linux/windows separators


= explode( PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path() );

print_r( $pathArray );
