
(no version information, might be only in CVS)

DomNode->first_child --  Returns first child of node


domelement DomNode->first_child ( void )

Returns the first child of the node.

(PHP >= 4.3 only) If no first child is found, NULL is returned.

See also domnode_last_child(), and domnode_next_sibling(), domnode_previous_sibling().

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pavol dot macura at cargo-partner dot com
20-Feb-2003 12:50
As for PHP < 4.3.0, this function returns a DomNode in case the first child was found.
If no child node was found, this function returns FALSE.

In PHP >=4.3.0, this function returns a DomNode in case the first child was found.
If no child node was found, this function returns NULL.

Be aware of it!
jeff dot bailey at fundserv dot com
05-Jun-2002 05:30
This returns a DomNode, not a bool.