
(PHP 4 <= 4.2.3, PECL)

cybercash_decr -- Cybercash decrypt


array cybercash_decr ( string wmk, string sk, string inbuff )

The function returns an associative array with the elements "errcode" and, if "errcode" is FALSE, "outbuff" (string), "outLth" (long) and "macbuff" (string).

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scott at mha dot ca
03-Oct-2001 11:09
assuming that you have a function called "read_value_pairs" which will convert a urlencoded string into an array of values .. this should more-or-less work:

$vars = read_value_pairs($response_from_http_form_post);

$vars["message"] = cybercash_base64_decode($vars["message"]);
$vars["mac"] = cybercash_base64_decode($vars["mac"]);
$decr = cybercash_decr($merchant_key, $vars["session-key"], $vars["message"]);

if($decr["errcode"]) {
   $response["MErrMsg"]="error talking to server.";
} else if($decr["macbuff"] != $vars["mac"]) {
   $response["MErrMsg"]="signature does not match.";
} else {
   $response = read_value_pairs($decr["outbuff"]);