
(PHP 4, PHP 5)

class_exists -- 检查类是否已定义


bool class_exists ( string class_name )

如果由 class_name 所指的类已经定义,此函数返回 TRUE,否则返回 FALSE

参见 get_declared_classes()

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01-Jun-2006 04:42
Like someone else pointed out class_exists() is case-INsensitive.

Using in_array() which is case-sensitive, the following function is a case-sensitive version of class_exists().

function class_exists_sensitive( $classname )
   return (
class_exists( $classname ) && in_array( $classname, get_declared_classes() ) );
josh at digitalfruition dot com
26-Jun-2005 02:23
Just to note, class names appear to be case INsensitive. (At least at the time of writing in PHP 4.3.9). Take the following example:


class Foo { var $myVar; }

Foo_Bar extends Foo { var $myVar2;}

class_exists('Foo'); //true
echo class_exists('foo'); //true
echo class_exists('Foo_Bar'); // true
echo get_class_parent('Foo_Bar'); // foo (NOTE: NOT Foo!)

andrey at php dot net
24-Oct-2004 07:43
In 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 there was no interface_exists() and in these versions class_exists() used to return TRUE for known interfaces. Starting 5.0.2 this is no more.
06-Apr-2004 08:04
Just a note that at least PHP 4.3.1 seems to crash under some situations if you call class_exists($foo) where $foo is an array (that is, the calling code is incorrect but the error recovery is far from perfect).
anonymous at somewhere dot tld
18-Jul-2003 03:20
If you have a directory of classes you want to create. (Modules in my instance)... you can do it like that

if (is_dir($this->MODULE_PATH) && $dh = opendir($this->MODULE_PATH)) {
   while ((
$file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {       
     if (
preg_match("/(Mod[a-zA-Z0-9]+).php/", $file, $matches)>0) {               
// include and create the class             
$modules[] = new $matches[1]();
} else {

Here the rule is that all modules are on the form
ModModulename.php and that the class has the same name as the file.
The $modules array has all the classes initialized after this code
cristiano at aspatech dot com dot br
25-Jun-2002 02:36
This can be veeeery usefull if you use classes that uses other classes, which can be used in your front end. In other words, when you lost the control of which classes are declared in which point of the application, that can generate the "Cannot redeclare class". Use like

if ( !class_exists( "YourClass" ) ) {

YourClass {
//your code

Thats it... Resolve all your problems =)
spamless_blair at nb dot net
09-Oct-2001 04:48
I have a script that includes various class libraries depending on what is contained in the constant _INCLUDE_LIST which is a comma-delimited string.


I use class_exists() to determine if a class definition has been included before creating an instance of it.

if(class_exists('CMySQLConnection')) $oData = new CMySQLConnection;

Hope it is helpful for someone!

-Jason Garber
emurano at optushome dot com dot au
09-Mar-2001 04:35
Multiple inclusion protection can be achieved in php3 and for non class related code, for example:

if(!defined("_SOME_UNIQUE_CONSTANT_")) {

// Your protected code here


Make sure that you use a different constant for each protected piece of code.  Generally this is used on a file per file basis. Just #ifndef in C!