
(PHP 3 >= 3.0.3, PHP 4, PHP 5)

call_user_method --  调用特定对象的用户方法[已停用]


mixed call_user_method ( string method_name, object obj [, mixed parameter [, mixed ...]] )


call_user_method() 函数从 PHP 4.1.0 开始已经停用,使用 call_user_func() 函数和 array(&$obj, "method_name") 语法代替。

从用户定义的 obj 对象中调用 method_name 所指的方法。下边是用法示例,我们定义了一个类,接着创建了一个对象实例,然后使用 call_user_method() 间接调用它的 print_info 方法。

class Country {
Country($name, $tld) {
$this->NAME = $name;
$this->TLD = $tld;

print_info($prestr="") {
$prestr."Country: ".$this->NAME."\n";
$prestr."Top Level Domain: ".$this->TLD."\n";

$cntry = new Country("Peru","pe");

"* Calling the object method directly\n";

"\n* Calling the same method indirectly\n";
call_user_method ("print_info", $cntry, "\t");

参见 call_user_func_array()call_user_func()call_user_method_array()

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jonathanMAPS_ON at NO_SPAMsharpmedia dot net
13-Mar-2001 07:06
You can also dynamically call functions through variable variables...for example:

class xyz{
$xyz = new xyz;
$foo = 'bar';

$xyz->{'my'.$foo}('dynamic call to function');
paulo at emd dot com dot br
18-Sep-2000 08:12
This function is very similar to this:


Note the extra $ after the ->
jmcastagnetto at php dot net
21-Aug-2000 08:04
You can pass a variable number of parameters to a function, use a definition like:

function mymethod ($v1, $v2, $v3="", $v4="")

and then you can pass 2, 3 or 4 parameters. This is explained in the "Functions" section of the manual.

See also the PHP4 functions: func_num_args(), func_get_arg(), and func_get_args(), and examples therein