
(PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5)

bcdiv -- Divide two arbitrary precision numbers


string bcdiv ( string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale] )

Divides the left_operand by the right_operand and returns the result. The optional scale sets the number of digits after the decimal place in the result, which defaults to 0.


例子 1. bcdiv() example


echo bcdiv('105', '6.55957', 3);  // 16.007




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Robert Lozyniak
06-May-2006 07:05
Let me see if I can clarify:

If you pass a _string_ such as "1E2" to a BC math function, it will stop reading as soon as it sees the "E". (The BC math functions do not know scientific notation.)

If you set the variable $foo equal to the _numeric_ 1E2, the variable $foo will then contain the mathematical number known as "one hundred".

If you then pass $foo to a BC math function, PHP will convert the contents of $foo (the mathematical number one hundred) into the string "100". This is the same exact behaviour you would get if you tried to evaluate $foo." apples": you have something which expects a string but you are passing it a number, so the number gets converted to a string.

However, if you try to pass a googol (or rather, the closest IEEE double-precision floating-point number to a googol) to BC math this way, I would not expect it to work. Why? Because PHP would try to write that googol (excuse me, approximation to a googol) in scientific notation (it would, wouldn't it? I'm too lazy to try it), and BC math does not know scientific notation. So there.
artmine77 at yahoo dot com
10-Oct-2005 01:47
Block 1:
$ret=bcdiv($arg1,$arg2,0); // $ret=0  (calculation error)
Block 2:
$ret=bcdiv($arg1,$arg2,0); // $ret=20000000000
Why do the manual says that $arg1 and $arg2 should be strings when that's when the error happens? If someone knows, I would appreciate the answer.
24-Jul-2005 08:10
Decimal to binary conversion, using BC Math.
Note: this function is VERY slow if the decimal number is too big!

function bc_decbin($dec_str) {
   if (
strlen($dec_str)>0) {
$bin_str = '';
       do {
           if (((int)
$dec_str[strlen($dec_str)-1] % 2) === 0)
$bin_str .= '0';
$bin_str .= '1';
$dec_str = bcdiv($dec_str, '2');
       } while (
