
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)

aggregate --  Dynamic class and object aggregation of methods and properties


void aggregate ( object object, string class_name )

Aggregates methods and properties defined in a class to an existing object. Methods and properties with names starting with an underscore character (_) are considered private to the aggregated class and are not used, constructors are also excluded from the aggregation procedure.

See also aggregate_info(), aggregate_methods(), aggregate_methods_by_list(), aggregate_methods_by_regexp(), aggregate_properties(), aggregate_properties_by_list(), aggregate_properties_by_regexp(), deaggregate()

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kencomer at NOSPAM dot kencomer dot com
12-Sep-2005 12:22
For PHP5 applications, the aggregate functionality available through classkit has been incorporated into and replaced by runkit. Per the classkit page of the PHP manual:

"Note:  This extension has been replaced by runkit, which is not limited to class manipulation but has function manipulation, as well."

Per the runkit page:

" This package is meant as a feature added replacement for the classkit package. When compiled with the --enable-runkit=classkit  option to ./configure, it will export classkit compatible function definitions and constants."
Matt Barry
29-Mar-2005 04:02
A note for those who may be implementing projects in PHP4 using aggregate(); these functions do not exist in PHP5.  For similar functionality, you can try using the Classkit extension:
gmail pfayolle
08-Jan-2005 04:16
Note that even if this can be used to emulate multiple inheritance to some extent, an object in PHP can only be subclass of the class used in the class declaration and no other.


class A {}
B {}

C extends A
aggregate($this, 'B'); // emulate multiple inheritance

$c = new C;
echo (int)
is_subclass_of($c, 'B');

Output: 0

hewei at ied dot org dot cn
02-Mar-2003 07:34
YES you can use aggregation functions to simulate multiple inheritence.

function foo()
   aggregate($this, "bar");