(no version information, might be only in CVS)

COM -- COM 类


$obj = new COM("server.object")


COM 类提供了一个将 (D)COM 组件整合到 PHP 脚本中的框架。


string COM::COM ( string module_name [, string server_name [, int codepage]] )

COM 类构造函数。参数:


被请求组件的名字或 class-id。


DCOM 服务器的名字,组件在此服务器上被取用。如果是 NULL,则假定是 localhost。想要允许 DCOM,必须将 php.ini 中的 com.allow_dcom 设为 TRUE


指定用于将 PHP 字符串(php-strings)转换成 UNICODE 字符串(unicode-strings)的代码页,反之亦然。可用的值为 CP_ACPCP_MACCPCP_OEMCPCP_SYMBOLCP_THREAD_ACP, CP_UTF7CP_UTF8

例子 1. COM 示例 (1)

// 启动 word
$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instanciate Word");
print "Loaded Word, version {$word->Version}\n";

$word->Visible = 1;


$word->Selection->TypeText("This is a test...");
$word->Documents[1]->SaveAs("Useless test.doc");

//关闭 word

$word = null;

例子 2. COM 示例 (2)

$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADO");
$conn->Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=localhost;
Initial Catalog=database; User ID=user; Password=password");

$rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM sometable");    // 记录集

$num_columns = $rs->Fields->Count();
echo $num_columns . "\n";

for ($i=0; $i < $num_columns; $i++)
    $fld[$i] = $rs->Fields($i);

$rowcount = 0;
while (!$rs->EOF)
    for ($i=0; $i < $num_columns; $i++)
        echo $fld[$i]->value . "\t";
    echo "\n";
    $rowcount++;            // rowcount 自增



$rs = null;
$conn = null;

add a note add a note User Contributed Notes
hwcshirley at gmail dot com
22-May-2006 01:59
Reply to: djogopatrao at gmail dot com
I have change little bit your code. Its work.

$COM_Object = "CrystalDesignRunTime.Application";
$my_report = "C:\\appserv\\www\\mc\\test.rpt";
$my_pdf = "C:\\appserv\www\\mc\\test.pdf";

$crapp= New COM($COM_Object) or die("Unable to Create Object");
$creport = $crapp->OpenReport($my_report, 1);
$creport->ReadRecords(); // attention!

$creport->ExportOptions->DestinationType=1; // Export to File
$creport->ExportOptions->FormatType=31; // Type: PDF
djogopatrao at gmail dot com
06-Apr-2006 03:25
My previous notes about Crystal Reports have vanished away, but anyway I was up to correct them.

The code above connects to COM (beware of the version number! search on the Registry Editor for the correct name to put in $COM_Object), opens a report from a file ($my_report), reload records from database and then exports it to a PDF file ($my_pdf).

* IMPORTANT * this code, when invoked from the browser (I'm using Apache) AND with a report that connects to a ODBC database, does not work (the problem is specificly the line ReadRecords(), but may arise without it too when data is not saved into the report file).

But when you run this code by PHP-CLI (that is, by the command line), it works ok! I bug-reported this, but have no answer till now ( give it a vote, if you thing it's important: ).

Also, exceptions may arise, so put it on a try_catch block.


// by dfcp '06 (

$COM_Object = "CrystalReports11.ObjectFactory.1";
$my_report = "C:\\report.rpt";
$my_pdf = "C:\\report.pdf";

$ObjectFactory= New COM($COM_Object);
$crapp = $ObjectFactory->CreateObject("CrystalDesignRunTime.Application");
$creport = $crapp->OpenReport($my_report, 1);
$creport->ReadRecords(); // attention!

$creport->ExportOptions->DestinationType=1; // Export to File
$creport->ExportOptions->FormatType=31; // Type: PDF
djogopatrao at gmail dot com
04-Mar-2006 11:27
I found somewhere ( a list relating each version of Crystal Reports to its respective progID - it may help some fellows out there.

7          Crystal.CRPE.Application

8.0        CrystalRuntime.Application or CrystalRuntime.Application.8

8.5        CrystalRuntime.Application or CrystalRuntime.Application.8.5

9 (RDC)    CrystalRuntime.Application.9
9 (RAS)    CrystalReports.ObjectFactory.2
10 (RDC)  CrystalRuntime.Application.11
10 (CEE)  CrystalReports10.ObjectFactory.1

XI (RDC)  CrystalRuntime.Application.11
XI (RAS)  CrystalReports11.ObjectFactory.1
paul at completewebservices dot com dot au
29-Jan-2006 07:49
It seems that PHP does not support setting of properties with arguments.  This is how I got around the problem:

       // Object with method I want to set
       $auth = new COM("AUTHXOCX.AuthXOCXCtrl.1");

       // ScriptControl
       $oScript = new COM("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl");
       $oScript->Language = "VBScript";
       $oScript->AllowUI = TRUE;

       // Add out object to the control
       $oScript->AddObject('auth', $auth, true);

       // Create a VBScript function that allow me to set them
'Function fixAccess(accessname)
   auth.AuthDataReferrerEnabled(accessname) = 1
   auth.AuthDataAuthentiXDBEnabled(accessname) = 0
End Function');

       // Execute function
       $oScript->Run("fixAccess", $dir);
volker at kybs dot de
07-Oct-2005 03:51
To use the windows speech system install the "Speech SDK 5.1 for Windows applications" from the Microsoft homepage (free download).
Then you can do Text2Speech like this:

$voice = new COM("SAPI.SpVoice");
$voice->Speak("Hello, lets have a conversation");
sadi at unicornsoftbd dot com
06-Oct-2005 04:56
If your PHP is configured as ISAPI module then the COM object you create in ur php page will use the same memory space as the web server. If your COM object takes too much memory then this may force some COM error as PHP does not handle the memory usage of COM itself. And also Web server doesnt know what do to free COM memory. But if you use PHP as CGI then PHP itself handle the memory usage of COM. Once in a script where i used COM and PHP as ISAPI module i got unknown COM error.But when i used PHP as CGI there was no error. So those who want to use COM object in your application please be careful about it.
15-Sep-2005 10:36
If you can get the old "TaskScheduler.dll" and register it, it is quite simple to handle and start Windows tasks from PHP.
This is extremely useful when you got things to do which must be run in a different user context. Prepare a task with the user and use PHP & Com to build a webinterface for it.

Here is an example how to start a Windows task:

  function start_task ($taskname) {
   $SchedObj = new COM("Scheduler.SchedulingAgent.1");
   foreach ($SchedObj->Tasks as $task) {
     if (strtolower( (string) $task) == strtolower( $taskname.".job" )) {

I'm also working on a class to handle infos, adding and removing of tasks via PHP. If you are interested drop me a line.
jbr at ya-right dot com
20-Aug-2005 04:07
Getting * directory * permissions ( attributes ) with COM

PHP (5) example...

= 'e:/www/docs/www/docs/junk/';

define ( 'READ_ONLY', 1 );
define ( 'IS_HIDDEN', 2 );
define ( 'IS_SYSTEM', 4 );

$hold = array ();

$obj = new COM ( 'scripting.filesystemobject' );

   if (
is_object ( $obj ) )
$all = $obj->getfolder ( $dir );

       foreach (
$all->subfolders AS $directory )
           if (
substr ( $directory->name, - 3 ) != 'cnf' )
$hold[$dir . $directory->name . '/'] =  array ( 'read_only' => ( ( $directory->Attributes & READ_ONLY ) <> 0 ? 1 : 0 ), 'is_hidden' => ( ( $directory->Attributes & IS_HIDDEN ) <> 0 ? 1 : 0 ), 'is_system' => ( ( $directory->Attributes & IS_SYSTEM ) <> 0 ? 1 : 0 ) );

$obj = null;
'sorry can not crate object: file_system_object';

print_r ( $hold );

To do the same thing for * files * with in the directory named in $dir, change above ( foreach() ) to what is below...

       foreach ( $all->files AS $file )
           $hold[$file->name] =  array ( 'read_only' => ( ( $file->Attributes & READ_ONLY ) <> 0 ? 1 : 0 ), 'is_hidden' => ( ( $file->Attributes & IS_HIDDEN ) <> 0 ? 1 : 0 ), 'is_system' => ( ( $file->Attributes & IS_SYSTEM ) <> 0 ? 1 : 0 ) );

pretty much anything you could think of doing in windows can be done using PHP and COM...

csaba at alum dot mit dot edu
04-Mar-2005 09:21
Getting IE to the foreground
If you are using a command line (CLI) version of PHP on a Win32 platform (e.g. XP Pro, SP2), you might want to have output directed to IE (perhaps you'll want to work with the output there) when Popup does not suffice (see my earlier post, below).

It's easy enough to get an instance of IE using $ie = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");.  The problem is, you don't necessarily see it in the foreground (especially if you already have one open) and who wants to waste keystrokes getting to it?  The code below has been working for me (If you want to do other adjustments (e.g. $ie->Document->ParentWindow->resizeTo(800,500); or $ie->Document->Body->bgColor = "yellow";), doing them before the $ie->Visible = true; line will avoid screen distractions):

function newIEtoForeground($title, $evtPrefix="") {
// brings new instance of IE to foreground with title $title
if (!$extPrefix) $ie = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application");
$ie = new COM("InternetExplorer.Application", $evtPrefix);
$oWSH = new COM("WScript.Shell");
   while (
$ie->ReadyState!=4) usleep(10000);

$ie->Document->Title = ($tmpTitle = mt_rand());  //unique title
$ie->Visible = true;
   while (!
$oWSH->AppActivate("$tmpTitle - M")) usleep(10000);

$ie->Document->Title = $title;
$ie->Document->ParentWindow->opener="me"// allows self.close()
return $ie;

Csaba Gabor from Vienna
csaba at alum dot mit dot edu
15-Feb-2005 04:22
Basic Windows IO
If you are using a command line (CLI) version of PHP on a Win32 platform, you might like to have a simple graphical interface to get input and output.  The following gives an illustration for both.

// first we get some input
$oScript = new COM("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl");
$oScript->Language = "VBScript";
$title = "I/O Demo: Input half";
$initial = "Change this value";
$prompt = "Please enter a value";
$code = <<<EOF
Function getInput()
   inVal = InputBox("$prompt", "$title", "$initial")
   getInput = inVal        'how return values are assigned in VB
End Function

$input = $oScript->Eval("getInput()");   
   if (
gettype($input)=="NULL") $input = "Input box was cancelled";

// now we show some output
$oWSH = new COM("WScript.Shell");
$title = "I/O Demo: Output half";
$timeout = 2;        // 0 for no timeout
$style = 0 + 48;    // buttons to show + alert symbol
$oWSH->Popup($input, $timeout, $title, $style);

This is example is overblown for illustrative purposes.  The whole input part collapses if the amount of code used is a single statement.  So, this would have sufficed:
$code = "InputBox(\"$prompt\", \"$title\", \"$initial\")";
$input = $oScript->Eval($code);

This technique exposes quite a bit of scripting power tied into the Windows operating system and VBScript.  However, you should have a really specific reason for using it since VBScript tends to be dog slow when compared to PHP in my tests.  Simple IO like this is good, however, and the popup size can be quite large.  Furthermore, this could be a viable route to go for accessing WinAPI's. shows some documentation for $oWSH->Popup

Csaba Gabor from Vienna
phpguy _from_ toshpro _dot_ com
12-Nov-2004 09:55
if you ever need to connect to an access database (on the server, using the IIS or APACHE user account), here is code below that can help to ease the process.  It is written like this because we have a MySQL as well as an Access database and need to be able to switch back and forth.  The runQuery function will return a 2 dimensional array and can use column names or numbers for the index of the internal arrays.  External arrays are always integer-indexed.  We also have found issues with Access staying open and growing from 7MB to 2.5GB within two hours, so we open and close it each time we run a query.  If it is not a select query it will return TRUE.  if it fails with errors, it will return false.

There is a showErr flag that we mostly only use for MySQL, since you can output MySQL errors without PHP errors.  Access doesn't appear to be that friendly.


function runQuery(&$conn,
$showErr=false) {   
//return runMyQuery($conn,$strSQL,$associative,$debug,$showSQL,$showErr);

openMSDB($dbfile="c:/path/and/filename.mdb") {
   if (!@
$conn = new COM("ADODB.Connection"))
"Unable to create an ADODB connection<br>");
$strConn = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=".$dbfile;
$conn->State == 0) return false;

closeMSDB(&$conn) {
$conn = null;

$showErr=false) {
is_object($conn)) if(!$conn=openMSDB()) return false;
$showSQL || $debug ) echo $strSQL."\n<br>\n";
$rtn = false;
$debug) $rs = $conn->execute($strSQL);
$rs = @$conn->execute($strSQL);

$rs) {
$showErr) echo "Error running SQL.<br>\n";
   if (
$rs->State == 0) {
   } else {   
$rs->EOF) {
$i=0;$i<$rs->Fields->count;$i++) {
$rsf = $rs->Fields($i);
$associative) $rtn[$rows][$rsf->Name] = $rsf->value;
$rtn[$rows][$i] = $rsf->value;
$rs->State != 0) $rs->Close();
$rs = null;
$debug) var_dump($rtn);
sodeh at dana dot ir
30-Oct-2004 06:11
for connection to sql server and know the utf-8 code
use this method to connect the database

$db = new COM("ADODB.Connection",NULL, 65001 );
jbr at ya-right dot net
13-May-2004 02:23
"Keeping an instance of a Server object loaded"

When dealing with COM objects like 'Word' or 'Excel' you are pretty
much dealing with personal COM type objects. The reason I say this
is because they in no way have any direct relationship to a real COM
server object. The differences between a 'Server COM Object' and a
'Personal COM Type Object' are great. Server COM objects, do not contain
and properties or methods related to any type of program dialog.

Most Enterprise COM objects are designed to run under IIS where they
are loaded into the server process. So once the first instance call is
made or when the server is started the object loads it properties, methods
and data related to the service the object provides!

Many objects load large data set(s) 10 MB to 200 MB into memory, this makes
any process after the initial loading of the object fast and very system

In PHP, when an initial instance of an object is loaded some where in a
PHP script, PHP will check if an instance of the object is already running
if it is, then it will use that instance. If it can not find an instance to
the object running, it will create a new instance to the object!

In the case of personal COM type objects, you can point to a running instance
of an object, and reference that instance...


= new COM ( 'X:\reports\june.doc' );


For Server type COM objects that load large data set(s), you really have no option
because each script run will unload the instance at the end of the script's run time.
Unless another http request is running and the new http request can access the other
object instance, you will have to load all the objects properties and methods and data
set(s) used by the object!

One way to work around this is to write a wrapper that can load the object into the
PHP or the Server process! I did this for the objects I use.

Another unorthodox way is to load your web browser to a PHP script that uses a combination
of ignore_user_abort(), set_time_limit(), load the object, sleep();!

Before I wrote the wrapper for a 'Map Server Object' I use in one of my project. I used
the 'unorthodox way' for almost a year and had over 15,000 object requests a day, and
never did the instance of the object ever have to start a new instance, ie: reload all the properties and methods and data
set(s) used by the object!

Like I said this is a very 'unorthodox way' to keep an object loaded, but it works!

set the object 'My.Object' in the script, call the script from the browser, then close the browser!


( 'true' );

set_time_limit ( 0 );

com_load_typelib ( 'My.Object' ) or die ( 'Could not load TypeLib' );

$obj = new COM ( 'My.Object' ) or die ( 'Could not load object' );

$obj = null;

sleep ( 63166608000 ); // one year


flintjt at hotmail dot com
12-Mar-2004 03:45
I have searched for ways to open and read an excel document and I found some information which I thought that I would document.  Information on the object model to help with programming COM objects can be found in your MS Office help files, search for VBA*.chm.
Also, here is a script that I used to pull a cell from each worksheet, complete w/ variable for pathnames & worksheets.  This script also closes excel completely.  The coding might be dirty, but it gets the job done.
--------copy from here-----------
= "c:/spreadhseet/test.xls";
$sheet1 = 1;
$sheet2 = "sheet2";
$excel_app = new COM("Excel.application") or Die ("Did not connect");
"Application name: {$excel_app->Application->value}\n" ;
"Loaded version: {$excel_app->Application->version}\n";
$Workbook = $excel_app->Workbooks->Open("$filename") or Die("Did not open $filename $Workbook");
$Worksheet = $Workbook->Worksheets($sheet1);
$excel_cell = $Worksheet->Range("C4");
$excel_result = $excel_cell->value;
$Worksheet = $Workbook->Worksheets($sheet2);
$excel_cell = $Worksheet->Range("C4");
$excel_result = $excel_cell->value;
#To close all instances of excel:
jon at jonroig dot com
04-Dec-2003 04:28
Here's a simple example of printing formatted templates with MS Word.

To begin with, I've already built my invoice in Word and saved it as an RTF file.
In this case, I'm using "sampleInvoice.php"

Fields that will be replaced have been marked as ||CUSTOMER ID|| and so on.

= "";

// open the file
if(!($fp= fopen ("C:\wordTest\sampleInvoice.rtf", "r"))) die ("Can't open");
$dataText = fread($fp, 2000000);
fclose ($fp);

// replace the template fields
$dataText = str_replace ("||CUSTOMER ID||",$customerIDValue, $dataText);

// save the file as an rtf
$timeStamp = time();
$saveFile = "C:/wordTemp/".$timeStamp."-invoice-".$customerIDValue.".rtf";
$fq= fopen ($saveFile, "w+"))) die ("Can't open");
fwrite ($fq, $dataText);
fclose ($fq);

// initialize the word components
$word = new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instantiate Word");

"Loaded word version ($word->Version)\n";
$word->visible = true;

// open the file

// output the file to the default printer

// shutdown word
jnv at jnv dot ch
03-Dec-2003 07:42
Be sure you have Word, Excel, .. on your server or it will not work !
drich at nea-online dot net
19-Nov-2003 06:47
Changing Fields (Not FORMFIELDS) In MS Word....

Searched most of the afternoon for this, as it is something needed here for our projects.  Maybe this can help someone else as well.

= "x:\\path\\to\\test.doc";
$word = @new COM("word.application") or die("Unable to instantiate Word");
"Loaded Word, version {$word->Version}\n<br>";
$word->Visible = 1;
"Set Word To Visible<br>";
"Opened $input<br>";
"Activated Word<br>";

"Editing Fields<br>";
$Field = $word->ActiveDocument->Fields(1);
$fieldData = $Field->Result;
$fieldData->Text = "Testing";

// Print the document.

// closing word

// free the object
$word = null;

Mihael Peternelj; Slovenia
18-Oct-2003 08:22
If you wnat to connect to Access MDB Library you can use this small "progy". It works so, that if someone other accesses the library, it waits for so long to access it again because (as i know) MDB librarys can be accessed only once at the same time.

function mdb($sql, $array = 0, $base = "Base.mdb", $timelimit = 5)
$r_items = array();
$c = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$r = false;
$time = time();
$process = $i = 0;
$r == false && $process <= $timelimit)
$deb = $c->open('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; Dbq='. realpath($base) .';');
$r = $c->execute($sql);
$process = time() - $time;
$process >= $timelimit) exit("mdbSQL Query Timeout!");
strtolower(substr($sql, 0, 6)) == "insert" or strtolower(substr($sql, 0, 6)) == "update" or strtolower(substr($sql, 0, 6)) == "delete") return true;
$num_fields = $r->fields->count();
   while (!
$j = 0; $j < $num_fields; $j++)
$key = $r->Fields($j);
$array == 0) $r_items[$i][$key->name] = $key->value;
$r_items[$i][$j] = $key->value;
$r = null;
$c = null;

I got the source from the Manual, what i did is that i made it more compatible and user frendly. :)

I hope it could some day help someone so as it did me...

Greetings from Slovenia!

Mihael Peternelj
admin at CdnDomainRegistry dot ca
21-Sep-2003 06:57
Here's an example/comparison of VBScript vs PHP's COM component to connect to an IIS Webserver.
The examples backup the IIS MetaBase (your server's website(s) configuration) in IIS.

  Dim obj, iFlags
  Set obj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost")
  ' Backup to next available version number.
  ' Set flags to save the metabase first and
  ' force the backup even if save fails.
  obj.Backup "MyBackups", MD_BACKUP_NEXT_VERSION, iFlags
  ' Note: The above was copied from Microbucks.
  ' This is how you would have to do it.
  ' i.e. use the actual constant's value.
  iFlags = (2 or 4) 
  obj.Backup "MyBackups", &HFFFFFFFF, iFlags

= new COM("IIS://LocalHost")or die("Unable to instantiate IIS"); 
$err = com_invoke ($obj, "Backup", "MyBackups", "&HFFFFFFFF", 2|4 );
$obj = null;
"err=".$err; // returns 0 on success

21-Sep-2003 01:49
Example on how to read a registry value:

= &new COM('WScript.Shell');

(outputs string(39) "%USERPROFILE%\Lokale Einstellungen\Temp" on my system)
01-Aug-2003 06:21
To mstaiger
I have encountered the same problem you report.
I tried to use the above code for a word document but it doesn't works, although the same code was good if i use it on a excel sheet.

The solution is explained at the following link :
rickardsjoquist at hotmail dot com
10-Jul-2003 01:33
If you want to use a DSN-less connection to a database (access for example) and return the results of a query as a multidimensional array with the fieldnames as identifier try this. Hope it helps someone :-)

function db($sql) {
$c = new COM("ADODB.Connection");
$c->open('DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=' . realpath("relative_path/db.mdb"));
$r = $c->execute($sql);
$i = 0;
$num_fields = $r->fields->count();
   while (!
$j = 0;$j<$num_fields;$j++) {
$key = $r->Fields($j);
$r_items[$i][$key->name] = $key->value;
$r = null;
$c = null;

use it like this:
= db("SELECT field_a, field_b FROM table");
$result as $i => $item) {
You can also use: print_r($result); if you want the structure of the array to be printed.
info at sharedprojects dot nl
17-Jun-2003 12:41
// An other way to connect
// this connect to a ODBC-datasourced added in the
// ODBC Data Source Administrator under System DSN

$odbcname = "northwind";
21-Nov-2002 05:35
An example of connecting to a Microsoft Access database, executing an SQL query, and displaying the results in HTML.


= 'C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Office\\Office\\Samples\\Northwind.mdb';

$conn = new COM('ADODB.Connection');

// Two ways to connect. Choose one.
$conn->Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=$db");
//$conn->Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=$db");

$sql = 'SELECT  ProductName, QuantityPerUnit, UnitPrice
         FROM    Products
         ORDER BY ProductName'
$rs = $conn->Execute($sql);


         <th>Product Name</th>
         <th>Quantity Per Unit</th>
         <th>Unit Price</th>
<?php while (!$rs->EOF): ?>
                 <td><?= $rs->Fields['ProductName']->Value ?></td>
                   <td><?= $rs->Fields['QuantityPerUnit']->Value ?></td>
                 <td><?= $rs->Fields['UnitPrice']->Value ?></td>
         <?php $rs->MoveNext() ?>
endwhile ?>



kmason at avaya dot com
30-Jul-2002 12:56
It should be noted that to run anything that needs to interact with the UI (the word example), one needs to ensure that the process that the Web server is running under can access the UI.  For Apache, this is an option in the Services control panel.
nospam at zamang dot co dot uk
09-Jun-2002 06:20
The above Word example did not work for me when I tried it using Office 2000. I had to install the Office 2000 SR 2 upgrade to get everything working. It seems that the upgrade fixes some problems with permissions that affect PHP and some other applications that use COM.

David McCormack
yinon at xacct dot com
07-Apr-2002 04:33
In order to get the Word exaple running, do the following on the server side.
Worked for me...
1. Click START-->RUN and enter "dcomcnfg"
2. In the "Applications" tab, go down to "Microsoft Word Document"
3. Click PROPERTIES button
4. Go to the "Security" Tab
5. Click "Use custom access permissions", and then click EDIT
6. Click ADD and then click SHOW USERS
7. Highlight the IIS anonymous user account (usually IUSR_<machinename>), click ADD
8. Go back to the "Security" tab by hitting OK
9. Click "Use custom launch permissions", and the click EDIT
10. Click ADD and then click SHOW USERS
11. Highlight the IIS anonymous user account (usually IUSR_<machinename>), click ADD
12. Hit OK, and then hit APPLY.

Also, you should look at the "Identity" tab in the Microsoft Word Document PROPERTIES and see that it is set to "Interactive User"

ALSO, log into the machine AS the IUSR_<machinename> account, start word, and make sure to click through the dialog boxes that Word shows the first time it is run for a certain user.  In other words, make sure Word opens cleanly for the IUSR_ user.

More useful information could be found here:
Franky at boucheros dot com
19-Mar-2002 10:38
For Access to Ms Access
use another Provider like this:

= new COM("ADODB.Connection")
or die(
"Cannot start ADO");
$conn->Open("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=./thefile.mdb;");
$rs = $conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM thetable");
mstaiger at informatik dot uni-siegen dot de
24-Jan-2002 10:17
The example above (MS Word) is quiet unsatisfying, as I find. Especially since I couldn't find anybody who actually got it running, including myself.

You might therefore give this Powerpoint-example a chance:
#Instantiate a PowerPoint object.
$ppoint = new COM("PowerPoint.application") or die("Unable to instantiate PowerPoint");

#Create a new presentation
$ppoint->Presentations->Add() or die ("Could not create presentation");

//Add a slide

//Get the name of this slide
$slidename = $slide->Name();
"<br>slidename : $slidename";

//Change the name of this new slide
$slide->Name = "New Slidename";
$slidename = $slide->Name();
"<br>NEW slidename : $slidename";

//Save the presentation

//closing powerpoint

//free the object
$ppoint = null;

the config is :
w2k-server/office2k/iis5/php 4.1.1 isapi

If you happen to run into a working word2k-example, please let me know.
